"Goodbye, Kasami....."
- Kagami Hiiragi about to destroy the Great Mind Trick (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
LSS Aspidochelone |
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Production information
Manufacturer: Linear-Spytron Industries
Hyperion Shipyard (Manufacturer Tool) XJM Project (Stolen tool) Design: George 'Will' Lucas Product line: Battlestation Model: Xvan class Battlestation Class: Battlestation Cost: not available for public sale |
Technical specifications
Length: 30,000 meter (Real Form)
(Fake Form) - 500 meter (as Asteroid) - 15 meter (as Spec-T Fighter) - 850 meter (as Ivan class Assault Destroyer) - 200,000 meter (Planet) Maximum speed: 450,000 km/h Hull: Neptunium Armor Engine unit(s): XSS-15 High-powered Phantom Engine (28) Warpdrive rating: 25.0 rate Power plant: Hetica class Phantom Energy Power plant Shielding: None Sensor systems: Apollo class Sensor Array Targeting systems: Apollo class Sensor Array Navigation system: Apollo class Sensor Array Armament: CCM-896 "God Breath" F-Spectrum Cannon (1) Heavy Stardust Cannon (4) Heavy Stardust Missile Launcher Tube (4) Heavy Kinectica Autocannon (24) Kinectica Autocannon (60) Lucas's Replica Brain (1) Complement: Spec-T Fighter (15,000) Hepan-A Bomber (2,500) Spector-X Interceptor (7,000) Marek-S Offender (?) Zerek Repair Drone (2,500) Crew: Officer (500) Trooper (95,000) Crew (150,000) Cargo capacity: 350k metric tons |
Availability: Military
Role(s): Flagship Supercarrier Command Center Commissioned: G.C. 2014, Unknown Destroyed: G.C. 2014, Chiyuki Present for battles/events: Defend of K-11 Battle of Coruscant Battle of Vargayang Battle of Tomoya Battle of Chiyuki Affiliation: Star Conflict Lucas's Alliance Fleet: Lucas Alliance Fleet Owner: George 'Will' Lucas Commander: Ryan 'Min' Ali |
Appeared of Great Mind Trick was one of major both tactical and strategic failure for Kasami Hiiragi, as well as major Federation defeated for every battle that their victory before arrival of this ship or even try to avoid this ship in specific mission and battle. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
"Corrupt the CPU is capital offensive."
The Great Mind Trick (or LSS Aspidochelone) is the personal ship of William Georcas and the flagship of the Lucas Alliance which serve as headquarter of invasion force of Lucas's Alliance and also the lead ship of entire fleet of the Lucas's Alliance. Unlike USS Samantha Carter from Lady White Heart, the Great Mind Trick is capable of destroying entire fleet of the Federation Self-Defense Fleet in matter of second because of their stolen F-Spectrum Cannon from XJM Project during raid on XJM Project Black site which the powerful beam of the F-Spectrum can destroy the ship when touch the beam which capable to destroy the multiple ship at once.
The core of this ship have made out with organic were the ship have brain, lung, heart or even most of body part which likely came from his (37th George Lucas) body which allow to operate the Great Mind Trick to mind control over the entire universe who follow the power of the chaos that similar to one in Hyperdimension Neptunia. But the Great Mind Trick's power prove ineffective against Chiyukitalian and those were lived in Touhou Galaxy, as well as who resist the power of the chaos.
The ship can transform into the small craft, an destroyer or even the planet to hide their real form from enemy's naked eye. However, if any ship touch the projector will reveal some part of the real form of this ship which easily to hit the target.
The Great Mind Trick is remember as one of the most powerful villain starship in the Touhou Galaxy Project more than USS Samantha Carter and USS Vengeance in Lady White Heart. However, this ship have a great weak spot on organic part since the organic part would explosive their power that control other mind, as well as the main weapon F-Spectrum.
Design and construction
"I have shoot the bridge. It have no effect, what these thing was make out?"
There are no original of concept about this ship, but most of ship part are made from Neptunium Material which only found on Chiyuki, the Neptunium Material are the material that using for shares system that operate the power for CPUs and rare powerful sword "Hiiragira", most of tool were stolen from Hyperion Shipyard and XJM Project, especially, the CCM-896 "God Breath" F-Spectrum Cannon which capable to destroyed entire fleet in matter of second that developed by XJM Project.
Kasami's strategic failure
"Kasami, we lose now."
- Teijiki Peon after see this ship arrive before the ship have devastate entire Federation army after successful repel the Lucas's Alliance force in Battle of Tomoya (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Mnay time when Great Mind Trick arrive, it prove Kasami both tactical and strategic have became a failure were she have plan to destroy the Great Mind Trick with various method such as using multiple Nagato to shoot at bridge, Crynyd Tactic (were suicide run to crash the spaceship into the bridge) and of course; Lure the ship and crash into the planet, which non of these were effective against the Great Mind Trick, as well as some mission that not involve with Great Mind Trick but later involve it.The ship also mark as major defeated for the Federation for each time this ship arrive especially Battle of Tomoya as the Federation have successful to repel and defeat the remain Lu-Al force in this planet until this ship arrive and perish all Federation force to make easily to lead the federation retreat to Chiyuki and Tomoya fell into enemy hand.
Final War of Star Conflict
"I just fail to that DAMM GIRL!"
Technical data
Physical arrangement
This Supercarrier is large around 30 kilometer which large enough and larger than Pururut class Superdreadnought in SD: HDN and ASS Kasami, much like most of Star Conflict ship, this ship is Triangle model.
"This ship is not have only his Brain, it have include with his Lung, Heart, and even almost of his body part that no body will do in universal ship but this have did it, that horrible."
Most part in this interior are incomplete which most of Lu-Al ship interior are similar to modern day navy warship unlike those Star Wars ship were appear to be imperial sytle, when the bridge is look larger than most of Federation Starship like those Shinano and Nagato class, the core interior are organic part were most of these interior part were cover with ton of human body part, although the organic part is cover with an material to hide it if they are outside of organic section.Defense systems
"Half fleet destroyed! Kasami, we must do something!"
Tactical systems
"Our weapon can shut up Chiyukitalian just one second. We will win."
Unlike USS Samantha Carter and most of ship, the main gun is F-Spectrum Cannon which capable to reduce entire Federation Fleet in few matter of second, not even smallcraft don't have a chance to survive this deadly beam if attach to near ship, without the main gun, this ship is still have 4 main cannon, ton of 24 Stardust Missile Launcher and 60 Autocannon to destroy the fleet of the Federation, but this didn't reduce much of the Federation fleet.
Great Mind Trick's armor is capable to stand against Hyperspace ship that travel at lightspeed which will protect the ship from an attempt to crash the Great Mind Trick.
"He is fight inside, I hope that he don't get control by it"
- Kasami Hiiragi to Daniel Jackson who have attempt to escape the Great Mind Trick controller (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Although crash the ship into the surface might not damage the ship, but it damage to most of organic part and major interior since it appear to be incomplete as Kasami quick find this weakness since she and her party have infiltration into that ship.
The Great Mind Trick's hull can be destroy by and with only Goddess of Flame, however, in order to destroy Great Mind Trick with Goddess of Flame is have to put the Goddess of Flame and aim at front of the ship, Self-Destruct is great example to destroy this ship, but require a Goddess of Flame to destroy their hull which unable to stop self-destuction. The Mind Trick is ineffective to mind control the Chiyukitalian species (and many species on Touhou Galaxy), as well as who never like the power of chaos such as like to see the conflict never end. The Great Mind Trick is also rotate side to side extreme slow due to their size and few side sublight engine which very slow to rotate and operate a F-Spectrum Cannon against enemy fleet that behind their attack, although the armor of this ship is extreme tough, but this was easily to buy a time for someone to setup the attack like one on Battle of Chiyuki.
Behind the Scene
The term "Great Mind Trick" was debut in Star Democratic: Memory of Kagami were the generator that used to mind control the people who like the chaos of power, and unlike the Great Mind Trick in Rebirth which was large organic part that used to mind control. the Mind Trick in SD: Memory of Kagami was control from George Lucas himself.
The Great Mind Trick is know for one of most powerful spaceship in entire TGP series not even compare to ASS Kasami and even other villain ship such as USS Samantha Carter, this ship have organic part and it serve as mind trick of entire people who follow the chaos, this concept is similar to JNN Maximilian von Spee from Shugo Chara vs Star Democratic, other Universal Arts film were the ship is control entire Jarson Trooper, unlike Spee, the Great Mind Trick have organic part, also the ship is similar to Skyline that mothership when destroy is quick repair itself with drone.
Touhou Galaxy Project:
- Memory of Kagami Rebirth (First Appeared)