Tim Lawrence

Tim Lawrence's last word to Tominoru (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Tim Lawrence
A man who resemble as Tim/Lawrence
Biographical information
Homeworld: Earutha 
Birth: June 6, G.C. 1967
Death: G.C. 2015
           Kimmer dam, Earutha by Kashima Tominoru (Indirect by Kasami Hiiragi)
Physical description
Species: Sheridania Human
Gender: Male
Height: 185 cm
Mass: 76 kg
Hair color: Black
Skin color: White
Eye color: Yellow
Other Information
(Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Nationality: Switch
Religion: None
Rank: Civilian
Occupation: Seismologist
Affiliation: Sheridania 5
Cause of Death: Smashed by Lastation MBT-21 drive by Tominoru
Tim Lawrence is Sheridania male civilian and one scene antagonist from Sheridania 5 who is escape from Lowee Imperial Army force to bunker when his friend, Don who try to save unnamed son from Lowee attack before his friend was killed by Lowee IFV and then he crazy to say '"CUNT' STUCKER, LOWEE ARMY FUCKING ASSHOLE!' before he was killed by Lowee Soldier and the bunker was destroyed. (Lady White Heart)

In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, he was killed by Tominoru when he yet same word that same to Lady White Heart, however, he also yet "THIS IS FOR DON" when blow up an MBT-21 which float into air before crashing him. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

- In Memory of Kagami Rebirth, his name was official as Tim Lawrence, a character from infamous disaster film 'San Andreas' film he was killed by an incoming of Lastation MBT-21 during invasion of Babylon 5 after he lost Kim.