Interstellar Republic

Interstellar Republic

Political information
Type of Government: Unicameral federal democratic republic
Head of state: Chancellor
Head of government: Chancellor
Commander-in-chief: Supreme Commander
Executive branch: Unknown
Legislative branch: Unknown
Judicial branch: Unknown
Military branch: Republic Military
                           - Republic Army
                           - Republic Navy
Societal information
Capital: Coruscant
Official language: Basic
Currency: Resh
Motto: For the Republic
Historical information
Formed from: Ducken Civilization
Date established: B.G.C. 27
Date dissolve: G.C. 2014 (merged into Lastation Empire)
Date reorganized: G.C. 1942 (into as part of Federation)
Status: Dissolve
Interstellar Republic, also known as Coruscant Government is Galactic Government that rule the galaxy before time of Interstellar Federation which capital is Coruscant. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)