Jackson's Toy Rifle Type-3 (Jarson Dimension)


"My RT-3D want to shoot you head, before you can pull a trigger"
- Colorer Rebel (SD: Legacy)

Jackson's Toy Rifle Type-3
Type: Assault Rifle
Type Energy: Plasma
Length: 945 mm
Weight: 3.3 kg
Ammunition: 30 shot
Overheating: 15 shot
Velocity: 70 m/s
Place of origin: God Disco
Barrel length: 415 mm
Cartridge: KM-2 Plasma Energy
Sights: Iron Sight, or Military Scope
Cost: $2,800
Range: 300 meter
Recoil: Moderate
Accuracy: Low
Rate of fire: (Fully-Automatic)
                    600 round/min
                    650 round/min (RT-3C)
                    400 round/min (RT-3X)
Action: Gas-operated, long stroke gas piston, rotating bolt
Designed: 3,007 ADG
Produced: 3,007 ADG - Unknown
In service: 3,007 ADG - Unknown
Manufacturer: Jackson's Toy Industries
Used by: Disco Federation
               Universal Federation of Alliance
The Jackson's Toy RT-3 Plasma Pulse Rifle, also known as Jackson's Plasma Rifle or Rifle Type-3, Serial product number is PPR-3-02 Blaster Rifle or most popular weapon called as RT-3D is a first true Assault Rifle of the Galaxy, a projectile weapon developed by Jackson's Toy for Defeat a Universal Phaser weapons for use in Semi-automatic, The RT-3 is Fully-automatic gun, The RT-3 is medium-size smg, Highly of Plasma Weapons be hit a body from 150 to 250 meter, RT-3 to become primary of disco militia and used everywhere of galaxy.

300,056 ADG Universal Federation of Alliance purchased 32,000 RT-3A and RT-3D plasma rifle total 8,960,000$ after Disco-cease fire.

After Disco-cease fire RT-3 was replaced by new technology of Colorer's Plasma Rifle, WA-2 Plasma Pulse Carbine and RA-33 Plasma Pulse Rifle. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)

RT-3 is one of galaxy-wide weapon has product by Jackson's Toy was built total 7,560 Billion for survival people from Zombie attack by Disco Lando's New Galactic Empire, after Code 477, most of these rifle were replaced by R9 Battle Rifle. (Lady White Heart: Door of Ultradimension Neptunia)



Standard Assault Rifle of Disco Federation, RT-3 is most standard rifle select-fire on semi-automatic, fully-automatic, and highly-automatic (or Burst Fire used by Jarson Gamatara), and used for more ammunition is 42 to 100 shot. and Design to Defeat Sword and Phaser Weapons. and Model is AK-47 for low cost production and ease of use. This weapon project by Michael Jackson used plasma with blade energy for high damage of projectile known as Jackson's Plasma Rifle. (SD: Dark rise of Federation)

- Stun mode is used only RT-3M and RT-3S. (SD: Moonwalk Academy)

Stun mode on RT-3S is ammunition were used for stun enemy as silencer, Used on Mission on Johnson's Bunker were stun marines for steal technology of federation, were Marine was stun, more marines are unknown enemy attack. (SD: Moonwalk Academy)

Cost of RT-3 to buy is $ 2,800 and only RT-3D version.

- RT-3D was become to most weapon of Disco Federation and black market and was to hand of Universal Force, RT-3D is most weapon used in public of disco people, dancers, criminal, bounty hunter, universal federation of alliance and hand of King of Pop Michael Jackson's mission on federation war. RT-3D become to most popular weapon of galaxy. (SD: Moonwalk Academy)

The smg also had a highly mode with an expanded fire area, at the cost of poor accuracy. RT-3D in fully mode are most very poor accuracy in long range of 80 meter


the RT-3 is original from AK-74 as Heavy Assault Rifle, They make use plasma as energy to used (normal energy of AK74 is Pulse energy) and prototype is RT-3X, They will used every troops before RT-3D product in 300,006 ADG for used in invasion of Tomoya for rescue a dancer will destroy main city of Tomoya in 300,007 ADG and RT-3D for Defeat a Universal Force in Battle of Coruscant (Capital Disco) to Defeat Universal weapon and destroyed or Capture a Energy weapon (some MP-5, M94A1 and SCAR-M) to being Victory of Disco Federation. (SD: Rise of the Disco)

In 300,017 ADG, RT-3 are upgrade for used in Highly-Automatic Mode and Low Accuracy and first Highly-Automatic Mini-gun of the Galaxy is Disco Federation. (SD: War of Disco)

In 300,022, All RT-3 series are make high energy of plasma to all gun and more velocity. (SD: Plan of Disco Federation)

In 300,056 ADG all RT-3's Highly mode are Old-Federation rapid fire. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army) and now are replaced by new technology of rate of fire like WA-2 and RA-33.

In 88,000,059 ADG the Disco Lando has invasion all planet in the galaxy for revenge, the Jackson's Toy has full mega-mass production a RT-3D version with Heckler & Koch, SCR and Superpe Ronte, But they created for survivor from zombie or lando's troops, RT-3D has become to Survival Rifle.


RT-3 used will Moonwalk as well, They know with out moonwalk they will shoot from highly-velocity weapon and Moonwalk are aim your sight, with not aim your sight like federation weapon and hold down shooting.


RT-3 is Weakness that M94A4 are fast shoot and fast hit like sniper fully-automatic
- Standard Energy Weapon that not a way like shoot on water be low heat to hit body is not RT-3S.
- Highly-automatic be can shoot like machine gun that be overheat is not RT-3C.

Standard Energy can overheat like other energy is Phaser, Highly mode are overheat fast at 20 shot.

- Poor accuracy in RT-3D and Highly mode at 80 meter or highly.

RT-3D is most highly damage and rate of fire all RT-3 series, but fire poor at 720 yd or aiming is 520 yd.

In Universal

RT-3 Submachine gun is not only to Disco, Based of RT-3 is AK-47 model or M4A1, but used to hand of Universal Federation is Capture a SMG on Disco War on 300,017 ADG be used all RT-3 in Navy Seal. (SD: War of Disco)

After Disco-Cease fire, Universal Federation purchased 32,000 RT-3D plasma rifle. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)


- RT-3D is most popular weapons of the galaxy was replaced by WA-2, However, RT-3D is most powerful to used for Disco People, Barack Obama, Disco Troops member used and Universal Force.
- RT-3 is assault rifle with more poor accuracy and high recoil. (SD: Plan of Disco Federation)
- RT-3 is most highly rate fire rifle of the galaxy.

The RT-3 is 7 variants like SMG and Rifle, But RT-3 is SMG from Disco is toy.

RT-3C is Carbine version.

This version are low accuracy on long range weapon and only shoot from short.


Standard Issue Assault rifle of Disco Federation to used in combat and for crime and Militia Troops of Disco and Universal Force as Assault Rifle. This the First true-Assault Rifle of galaxy and This one of popular assault rifle of the galaxy with rate of fire and recoil.

RT-3D is one of five rifle was mega total built for military rifle and civilian to fight against Zombie creature from Disco Lando's New Galactic Empire, the RT-3D has return to popular again, The Disco Troops, Civilian in Disco Federation and Interstellar Federation, Alpha Force member and many survivor during Great Revenge War.

During Great Revenge War, many RT-3D to many hand of civilian, RT-3D was called as illegal arms from Disco Lando's troops, But many people who is given a RT-3D, they called as Survival Rifle.


RT-3S is Automatic Sniper Rifle version..

RT-3X is Prototype version and Sub-Machine Gun.

Disco Federation
- Bartender's Club
- Colorer's Club
- Mario Kingdom
- Obama's Disco
Universal Federation of Alliance
Pig Kingdom
Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance
Disco Lando's Galactic Empire

-"RT-3" is mean name are Repeater (later is Rifle) Type-3. ("A" is Avenger, "C" is Combat, "D"is Destroyer. "S" is Sharpshooter, "R" is Repeater, "M" is Medium, "X" is Prototype)
- RT-3 on version D is most character used-it so far.
  - That where first JT's manufacturer

Behind the Scenes


The Jackson's Toy RT-3D model was based on AK-47, until original Memory of Kagami which prop after AK-12 prototype version.

RT-3X was based on CAR-15 (or Colt Commando) when the original 
(during 1997) said that prop was came from M4 Carbine and because of M4 were no enter widely until 1995. (SD: Rise of the Disco)

RT-3C model was based on AKS-74U.

Fire Mode

RT-3 has no fire mode as Highly mode, but have only full-auto and semi-auto. The Highly mode has fire with moonwalk and several of the force that they used highly mode but appeared as full-auto inside highly mode's.


- RT-3X
Used M4A1 with Foregrip and EOTech sight.

- RT-3D

AK-47 without more prop and remove magazine.


Lando series
SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge

Rise of the Disco series:
- SD: Dark rise of the Federation (First Appeared)
- SD: Legacy
- SD: Moonwalk Academy
- SD: Plan of Disco Federation
- SD: Plan of Disco Federation 2
- SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army
- SD: Rise of the Disco (First Appeared as RT-3D)
- SD: Rules of the Disco
- SD: Unknown groups
- SD: Up-rise of the Federation
- SD: War of Disco

SC series:

- SD: SC: AH
- SD: SC: AH 2
- SD: SC: AMU 2
- SD: SC: GC
- SD: SC: HK
- SD: SC: HK 2
- SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge
- SD: SC: RH
- SD: SC: RH 2


- SC vs SD
- STAR DEM0CRATIC (as gun model skin)


- RT-3 are multi-type of weapon, RT-3D is Assault Rifle used all-hand, They know as Assault Rifle.
  - That era, where RT-3D Plasma Assualt Rifle versus to M94A1 Phaser Rifle, term "Rifle" was used long time from +88,000,000 BDG to 300,007 ADG, rifle was defeated more rate of fire and damage by RT-3D is Plasma Assault Rifle, term "Assault Rifle" was born from this weapon.
- RT-3 is based from AK-47 but in version is AK-74.

See also

Comparison of the RT-3 and M94