Lando's Most Revenge series

"Many war are don't need to be happen, but Greatilism are never end?"
- Jarson Gamatara at SD: Lando's Most Revenge opening
"Old is Dead, but new are arrive"
- Jarson Gamatara at SD: Lando's Most Revenge ending

- John Gamatara say as death scene of SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge Episode 4 was cut during playing.

Lando's Most Revenge series
Director: Jason Gamatara
Producer: Universal Arts
Writer: Jason Gamatara
Running time: 1/5/2010 - 1/15/2010
Language: English
Timeline: 88,000,060 ADG (Non-canon)
Era: Unknown
Government: Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance
Main Protagonist: Alexander Munro Unique
Main Antagonist: Disco Lando
Main Enemy: Disco Lando's Galactic Empire

The Star Democratic series 5: Lando's Most Revenge has set to, known as Star Democratic: Special Case: Lando's Most Revenge was the cut series were appeared in 2010 before cut by John Gamatara from cause of Greatilism.