

People's Federal Republic of China
Area controlled by the People's Republic of China shown in dark green; claimed but uncontrolled regions shown in light green.
Political information
Type of Government: Federal presidential constitutional republic
Constitution: Republic of China Constitution
Head of state: President
Head of government: President
Military branch: Chinese People's Federal Liberation Army
Societal information
Capital: Nanking
Official language: Amulet, Chinese
Currency: Yuan
National holiday: Unknown
Anthem: Song of the Unity
Historical information
Date established: B.G.C. 18
Affiliation: Chiyuki
China, also known as People's Federal Republic of China was a country that existed on Chiyuki/Earth. It was also a term for a large geographical area in Asia. China bordered against several other Earth nations, among them Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Korea. The people and culture specific to China was referred to as Chinese.