StarfurotorX-3 Fighter

"This Fighter is design to quick kill air-to-air, they don't need to attack the ground"
- An Federation Pilot (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Production information
Manufacturer: Stardrive System Industries
Line: Star-series Tomo-Furotor
Model: S-3
Class: Interceptor-Fighter
Technical specifications
Length: 20.1 meter
Height: 5.7 meter
Maximum speed: 210,000 km/h
Hull: Aluminium Armor
Engine unit(s): SK-3 pulsar engine (1)
Hyperdrive rating: class 9.0
Power plant: Tajimu-3x Fusion reactor cell
Shielding: Hyperion Mark-3 Fusion Barrier
Sensor systems: LSG-10 Multion contactor
Targeting systems: KMS-2 targeting system guide
Armament: G-3 Kinetic Autocannon (2)
                   KIM-1 Fusion Missile Launcher (2)
Crew: Pilot (1)
Consumables: 10 day
Communication systems: Universal Starnet transceiver
Role(s): Starfighter
Year introduced: G.C. 2008
Operator: Federation Air Self-Defense Fleet
                Imperial Lastation Air Force
Affiliation: Interstellar Federation
                   Lastation Empire
The Stardrive System Industries StarfurotorX-3 Fighter or known for short is SX-3 was interceptor-fighter that design for deal against newer Star Conflict fighter and another and other universe such as Stardoor with their Death Glider and Sheridania 5's Starbully, it was design and flight test after Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy long ago.

SX-3 is saw limited in Great Universe War prior before the Battle of Chiyuki which exclusive to CCSS Shinano that command by Lady Kasami Hiiragi alongside with StarfurotorX-4 and Bomobor-2 untill it widely appear on Battle of Chiyuki with several carrier were carry these craft with it. After the Great Universe War, these Starfighter is replaced major fleet of Starfurotor-2, the SX-3 is major fighter that service in Imperial Lastation Air Force.(Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

The SX-3 was smallest and and faster than SX-4. It was design for intercept the bomber and enemy fighter, although the SX-3 have excellent on Air-to-Air combat and Dogfighting, however, it was not design for Air-to-Ground attack due to their weaponry and difficult to flight on surface but still can attack the ground force with this SX-3 were mainly is by Kasami Hiiragi.

SX-3 were later became a widely use by Federation Air Self-Defense Fleet in Battle of Chiyuki alongside with StarfurotorX-4 and Bomobor-2 to fight against Lucas's Alliance to defend Chiyuki from Lu-Al fleet to replaced most of Starfurotor-2. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)


SX-3 are carry with two G-3 Kinetic-based energy rapid autocannon to each nose of fighter and Fusion Missile under wing, these gun were faster enough to take down enemy aircraft.

Behind the Scene

StarfurotorX-3 in Lady White Heart
The SX-3 Fighter model prop are based on General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon but it also have advanced version that have two tailhook, it also Mitsubishi F-2 that have initially name known as "Mitsubishi SX-3". In Lady White Heart, there are SX-3 Fighter that is same as in Memory of Kagami Rebirth with except that is different model. In early Memory of Kagami Rebirth have likely using this Lady White Heart model as well until it was replaced into F-16 model.

Touhou Galaxy Project:
Lady White Heart (First Appeared)
Memory of Kagami Rebirth

- Although SX-3 was exclusive to CCSS Shinano during Great Universe War prior before Battle of Chiyuki, however, there are mistake about SX-3 were seen during Defend of K-11 were one of SX-3 being take-off in Yokosu Air Base for defend against invader, however, non of these were seen in battle.
- Kasami have using StarfurotorX-3's Inlet cone to kill enemy, as well as one was kill in half with the wing.