Charles 'Penguins' Kawalsky (Hyperdimension)

This archive is Hyperdimension version, you may to look on Ultradimension which known as Adam Kawalsky

"I'm drive a tank to shoot at cute girl, attack! attack! At-Tack!."
- Charles 'Penguins' Kawalsky's last word (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Charles 'Penguins' Kawalsky
File:Charles Kawalsky.jpg
Biographical information
Homeworld: Tau'ri
Born: August 20 G.C. 1955
Death: January 8 G.C. 2014
            K-11 by Kasami Hiiragi
Physical description
Species: Tau'ri
Gender: Male
Blood Type: A
Height: 180 cm
Mass: 65 kg
Hair color: Black
Skin color: White
Eye color: Blown
Other Information
Nationality: Polond
Religion: None
Rank: Tank Commander
Occupation: Driver of M4A1 Gaurdian
Affiliation: Stardoor
                   Neutral Alliance
                   Lucas's Alliance
Cause of Death: The Tank explosive after cut in half
                           by Kasami Hiiragi by Hiiragira
Charles 'Penguins' Kawalsky was male Tau'ri from Stardoor, the Tank Commander of the Neutral Alliance, he is minor antagonist as he was killed by Kasami Hiiragi during Defend of K-11 in Great Universe War(Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

- His middle name "Penguins" is likely parody as Stargate have using Penguins name 'Charles Kawalsky' from 2005 film Madagascar.

Touhou Galaxy Project:
- Lady White Heart (First Appeared)
Memory of Kagami Rebirth