Alpha Force (Touhou Galaxy Project)

"The Alpha Force, most of best soldier were teach by their teacher which their teacher are themselves, just like how people love to teaching by yourself about how become the best of the best."
- Vertimiki Niwa (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

317th Special Force Operation of Marusagi-Alpha
General information
Leader: Princess of the Federation
             Console Patron Unit
Headquarters: Alpha Force Headquarter
Historical information
Date founded: G.C. 1985
Date dissolved: G.C. 2014
Engagements: Ryoo School Massacre
                        Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy
                        Great Universe Wars
Other information
Motto: Best Teacher that you can found is yourself
Part of: Fedration Self-Defense Force
             Imperial Lastation Army
Affiliation: Interstellar Federation
Status: Disbanded

Lowee Imperial Elite Force
General information
Leader: Console Patron Unit
Headquarters: Alpha Force Headquarter
Historical information
Date founded: Unknown
Date fragmented: G.C. 2015
Engagements: Great Universe Wars
                        Disco Civil War
                        Battlestar Galactica Protection
                        Doctor Who Defending
                        Terran-Citizen War
                        Lowee at War
                        Death of Lady White Heart
Other information
Part of: Lowee Imperial Army
Affiliation: Lowee Empire
Status: Inactive

The 317th Special Force Operation of Marusagi-Alpha, known in common as Alpha Force or simply as The Alpha was the elite force of the Interstellar Federation, and later Lastation Empire, the Alpha Force is known for famous as the best special force of the Touhou Galaxy which no one can beat this special force anyway, one such as CPU, Vertimiki Niwa is also part of the Alpha Force member. The Alpha Force was disbanded after the Great Universe War to merged as part of Imperial Lastation Special Force. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Touhou Galaxy Project:
Lady White Heart (First Appeared)
Memory of Kagami Rebirth

- Touhou Galaxy Project that you absolutely need to know (Known as "The Alpha")

- "Marusagi" is likely came from flagship that carrying Alpha Force member and using as their base of operation in Star Democratic: Memory of Kagami known as CCSS Marusagi, although there are no CCSS Marusagi have mentioned in Touhou Galaxy Project universe.

© 2015 Universal Arts, Touhou Galaxy Project, Kasami Mikiyoru's Star Democratic series, Alpha Force is part of copyrights of Universal Arts Studio, Los Angeles, California, United States