SCR Platinum Weapon Manufacturer (Blanc Dimension)


Sakuri Chiyuran (SCR) Platinum Weapon Manufacturer
Organizational information
Parent company: Tomo-Rikira
Subsidiaries: Heckler & Koch
                      Jackson's Toy
Founded: Unknown
Locations: Kyoto, Japan, Chiyuki
Primary role: Weapon manufacturer
Political information
Sakuri Chiyuran (SCR) Platinum Weapon Manufacturer (SCRプラチナ武器メーカー SCR purachina buki mēkā) (SCR) or Howa Howa (豊和豊和 Hōwa Toyokazu) is the Federation Platinum weapon manufacturer has formed weapon manfacturer from Colt from USA, Norinco from China, and Daewoo from Korea has used base of Japanese Platinum manufacturer is Howa after several manufacturer in subsidiaries was Heckler & Koch's M-88 was base from M94A4, Superpe Ronte's FADAF was based from QBB-227 with FAMAS buy his manufacturer, Original name of SCR is Howa Platinum Weapon Manufacturer, This is the most powerful weapon manufacturer used platinum weapon in the federation armed force of the Federation Defense Force, Main production is Type-7/1 platinum pulse laser rifle or product other weapon in semi-automatic weapon version for platinum weapon unlike Type-4/1 SCR is fully-automatic weapon.

Unlike Jackson's Toy and Heckler & Koch, SCR no production on Starship mounted because Platinum Energy is use energy too much if not fusion reactor from Superpe Ronte for gain a platinum weapon, The SR are not to used thier reactor to used a platinum starship cannon.


word is no long product this weapon

- Personal ranged weapons
Assault Rifle:

Battle Rifle:

- Type-5/1 Platinum Pistol
- Type-5/2 Platinum Pistol [13]
- Type-5/3 Platinum Pistol
- Type-5/4 Platinum Pistol
- Type-6/1 Heavy Platinum Pistol [12]
- Type-6/2 Heavy Platinum Pistol

Semi-Automatic Carbine:
Type-7/3 Platinum Rifle
- Type-7/4 Platinum Carbine [3]
- Type-7/5 Platinum Carbine [1]
- Type-7/6 Platinum Carbine [4]
- Type-7/7 Platinum Carbine [6]

Semi-Automatic Rifle:
- Type-3/1 Platinum Rifle
- Type-7/1 Platinum Rifle (ラン 27-9 Ran 27-9) [11]
Type-7/1 Platinum Rifle
- Type-7/2 Platinum Rifle [9]
- Type-7/3 Platinum Rifle [5]
- Type-7/8 Platinum Rifle [2]

- Type-17/2 Platinum Rifle [16]
- Type-17/3 Platinum Rifle [17]
- Type-17/4 Platinum Rifle [18]
- Type-17/5 Platinum Rifle [19]
- Type-17/6 Platinum Rifle [20]

Sniper Rifle:
- Type-3/A20 Platinum Sniper Rifle (狙撃兵 Sogeki-hei) [7]
- Type-8/1 Platinum Sniper Rifle [8]
- Type-8/2 Platinum Sniper Rifle [10]

- Type-18/1 Platinum Sniper Rifle [15]

Type-3/A20 Platinum Sniper Rifle
- Assault Rifle
- RT-3 Plasma Pulse Rifle (Jackson's Toy's survival rifle)

SCR abbreviations

See in Platinum of "Type"

- SCR is Asian Weapon Manufacturer from weapon name "Type".
  - But most weapon model are Europe-made.
    - However, most rifle are 2000s year.
- the SCR is most powerful weapon manufacturer where created a Type-7/1 rifle.
  - In HDN series, Type-7/1 is name is Ran-27/9 were based from Chiyuran.

Behind the Scenes 

The SCR Platinum Weapon Manufacturer is the weapon manufacturer created a platinum weapon are based in unknown. SCR was based real japanese weapon manufacturer is Howa, before Lady White Heart was limited only to Rifle and pistol product since the platinum energy is extreme hard to product on rapid weapon and shotgun.

Most of SCR weapon name before Lady White Heart are called "Type" are based from Howa Type 89 rifle, when later are "M" known as 'Model'.

Kagami series:
- SD: Memory of Kagami

SC series:

- SD: SC: GC (First Appeared)