Standard Energy Law
was a law to used to limit of weapon, and weapon can't used a disruptor beam weapon as it can blow up the body into liquid. (SD: The Original Story)
The Standard Energy Weapon of 256 ADG by Universal Federation of Alliance.
The law has control the weapon to used projectile weapon (with low velocity), the rate fire used low than 550 RPM, and used standard energy weapons only. (SD: Federation Tier 2)
Later was broken because G36C was a kinetic (disruptor) or fast velocity, RT-3D is 600 RPM and TYE-8E is Disruptor weapon not standard is Phaser. (SD: Rise of the Disco)
Later was used again in 88,000,001 ADG, but change in rate fire from 550 RPM to 500 - 600 RPM, in weapon energy can used energy anything well, because for more accuracy and don't used up ammo. (SD: SC: RH2)
Rate Fire Technology
The Standard rate fire are 400 RPM in rifle was used on long time ago, the TAR-39 is 600 RPM, G36CA4 is 500 RPM and Type-7/1 is 400 RPM, Repeater Blaster is 300 - 1,200 RPM and Minigun is 1,500 RPM or highly was Vulcan-2000 is 6,000 RPM, Mario VMN-7 is 2,000 RPM, Mario Disco need Minigun firing at 100,000 RPM.
In Lady White Heart have Blind Shooting is mean Blind fire that fire from cover which not aiming when in cover, Drive-by Shooting is shoot a gun when on a car or any vehicle.
X Rifle and Assault Rifle
Before RT-3D appeared to hand of disco, a term "Rifle" was like to energy rifle to fire in classic name, Example: Blaster Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Phaser Rifle, Disruptor Rifle, Kinetic Rifle and Platinum Rifle mean Rifle was a 60 energy shot capacity, fire at 400 RPM or semi-automatic, not bullpup design and most of rifle have a scope.
While RT-3D is plasma rifle used high velocity, 42(21 auto) energy shot capacity and fire at 600 RPM, Michael Jackson has say this is Assault Rifle entire galaxy for new type of weapon, after 3,007 to 3,033 ADG mean "Rifle" was out service as military rifle, however, it was restore again in SD: Memory of Kagami and widely appear in Lady White Heart and Memory of Kagami Rebirth.
Class and Type
Early has only Pistol, Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher and Repeater but become to Federation Tier has new Machine Gun, and Rise of the Disco has Assault Rifle and Sub-Machine Gun.
In Memory of Kagami has more type of many weapon. please see 'List of Type'.
Example Information:
Characteristics of the gun
Type: (Type weapon that used as rifle or pistol)
Type Energy: (put energy that weapon used, if used as bullet, put as "none")
length: (size weapon)
Weight: (weight weapon)
Shots before Overheat: (total shot that shoot before overheat)
Ammunition: (put clip-size on weapon and put as shot)
Size: (put size of length where used as word, example medium)
Velocity: (put bullet's velocity, don't put than 2000 m/s)
Place of origin: (put planet or country if place on earth)
Barrel length: (put size muzzle flash of weapon)
Cartridge: (put energy bullet, example: KM-20 Plasma Energy)
Sights: (iron sight)
Cost: $ (put cost that you can buy, if for military, put "Not available for public sale")
Description of xxxxx
Rate of fire:
Used and History
Number built:
In service:
Used by:
Used by person:
List of Fire mode
- Bolt-Action
- Burst Auto
- Burst Fire
- Fully-Automatic
- Pump-Action
- Semi-Automatic
List of Type
Note: Memory of Kagami have many class which those appear in MoK were mark as "(SD: Memory of Kagami)", those weapon that not exist in real life are mark as "Xi".
- Grenade Launcher (Example: M37)
- Auto Grenade Launcher (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Example: M1027)
- xxxx Burst Launcher (Example: Fusion Burst Launcher)
- Rocket Launcher (Example: RPG-7, or AT-16 Fusion Burst)
- Auto Rocket Launcher (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: VE-7 and ML-77)
- Rocket Pistol (or Mini Rocket Launcher) (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: VP-7)
- Sniper Rocket Launcher (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example:VS-5) (see High-Explosive Sniper Rifle)
- Assault Pistol (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: RE-4)
- Burst Pistol (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: M4)
- Heavy Pistol (Example: M6)
- Light Pistol (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: M5)
- Machine Pistol (Example: M4 pre-HDN)
- Mini-Pistol (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Example: Type-1 Phaser)
- Semi-Automatic Pistol (Example: USP 74.)
- Shot Pistol (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: A-75 Slug pistol)
- Sniper Pistol (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: TYR-8E)
- Anti-Material Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Example: M98)
- Anti-Aircraft Rifle (SD: Mlemory of Kagami) Xi (Example: 17-M)
- Anti-Tank Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Example: AS-80)
- Assault Rifle (Example: RT-3D)
- Heavy Repeater
- Automatic Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Example: FN FAC)
- Battle Rifle (Example: XCS-9)
- Burst Rifle (Example: TAR-39)
- Carbine (Example: WA-11)
- Combat Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Example: G36C)
- Heavy Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: XPR-7)
- Light Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: Type-17/2)
- Marksman Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) (Example: TYE-8E)
- Modular Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: MSBS)
- Particle Rifle (Example: PX-2)
- Rapidly Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: REA-31)
- Recoiless Rifle (Example: SVR-5)
- Semi-Automatic Rifle (Example: DC-2a)
- Shot Rifle or Flechette Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: FC-11)
- Smart Rifle (former name as OICW) (Example: Type-4/1)
- Sniper Rifle (Example: M-82)
Machine Gun
- Anti-Infantry Gun (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: FN SCAR-MG)
- Assault Machine Gun (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: Bren)
- Battle Machine Gun (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: XMG-7)
- Heavy Machine Gun (Example: VXC-7)
- Repeater Blaster (Example: T-21)
- Light Machine Gun (Example: LSAT)
- Marksman Machine Gun (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: L-2)
- Modular Machine Gun (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: Radon)
- Sub-Machine Gun (Example: MP-7)
- Repeater (Example: RT-3R)
- Sniper Machine Gun (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: PS-5)
- Support Rifle (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi (Example: IAR)
- Auto Shotgun (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Combat Shotgun
- Flechette
- Heavy Shotgun (SD: Memory of Kagami) Xi
- Pump Shotgun
- Scattergun (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Semi-Automatic Shotgun
- Crossbow
- Lightning Rifle
Firearm: (Lady White Heart only)
'AwRaD' were added in Advanced Weapon Research and Development DLC.
'STU' were added in Special Tactical Unit DLC.
'TDS' were added in Tango Down Squad DLC.
'WyltkM' were added in Would you like to know more? DLC.
'DoUN' were added in Door of Utradimension Neptunia DLS.
'?' were unknown that added to.
Special Weapon (DoUN)
These weapon is special function and top secret for Lady White Heart only are, and are appeared only in Single Player.
- Benkilenir
Hunting model of Field Energy Shotgun that design to Witch hunt.
- Marifle
A Mushroom skin of M-50 Rifle that fire with Mushroom bullet.
- M.R.W. (Multiple-Role Weapon)
The Advanced prototype weapon that heavy than OICW were capable with many action, such as sniper, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, grenade and rocket launcher, as well as have 4 slot of pistol for another person to help.
- Scharfschützenpistolen
Long range pistol and sniper.
- Schweregewehr
Long range Barrel Rifle that shot at enemies will blow into piece.
- Vintovkalucha
High-Atomic Energy Beam Rifle that shot will burst into nuclear bomb.
- Volkssturmgewehr
Volkssturmgewehr is mean 'People's Assault Rifle' were is an M-50 with cheap cost and easily to using as same with M-50 except as they are semi-automatic rifle.
Advanced Weapon (AwRaD)
The Powerful range, damage and accuracy, rare and most advanced technology that design and test, which product by Star Democratic are list in this type, such as PX-technology are development by Federation Advanced Weapon Research and Development in the advanced energy weapon of Pulsar weapon and most powerful which the goal was development for Lady White Heart only.
- Advanced Laser Rifle (Howa-15) (TDS)
Semi-Automatic, The Howa Type-15 is newer laser rifle from successful of Howa Type-99 Laser Rifle, as this is high powered laser rifle, high damage and accuracy, but high reocil with less ammunition much like Type-64.
Based from Howa Type 64.
- Autoaim Machine Gun (M-967)
Fully-Automatic, one of most powerful anti-infantry gun in Lady White Heart series, though is not powerful to against enemy in some tactical, but is good to automatic aim at enemy with lock on projectile.
- Blue Fire
A Weapon stolen from Stargate, is a powerful mind-blown technology is grenade that using to against enemy that using energy weapon, if contact with that fire, it will absorb a projectile into a energy, this fire can't absorb against metal-like bullet since they are not energy.
- Gunblade (PX-3)
Single-Shot, The Advanced Prototype of Pulsar Gunblade which powerful than Star Democratic made Shugo Chara!'s Target Lock, PX-3 Prototype that development by Lowee Weapon Research and Development for Lady White Heart only, as only one of most powerful gun that Star Democratic ever made, allowed to shoot against most of target since personal such as Away Team to Jedi (or Sith) to single Starship such as Imperial Star Destroyer, as well as blade can cut any personal when hit it.
Based from Neptunia's Gunblade model, Manufacturer: Hyperdimension Neptunia, Introduced: 7 ADG.

- Laser Rifle (Howa-99)
Semi-Automatic, The Howa Type-99 is the best range and accuracy Japanese laser rifle with instant hit against enemies.
Based from Howa Type 89, Manufacturer: Shugo Chara!, Introduced: 1999.
- Lighting Rifle (STU)
- Greek Fire (PTX-995)
Fully-Automatic, Lowee technology have craft to like these old technology, though they are not similar as Greek Fire, but better that origin which based on Petroleum that using in house in middle east mix with Kinetic energy gas as source of fire that using in Lowee Empire to defense against Neutral Alliance's Blue Fire which they are using for absorb energy weapon shot.
- Special Rifle (M-45)
Fully-Automatic, ADM-45, is the oldest advanced special rifle before era of O.I.C.W. technology has return to Lady White Heart series.
Based from Special Purpose Individual Weapon and Unknown Double-barrel Shotgun, Manufacturer: Universal Startech, Introduced: 0 ADG.
Heavy Weapon
The Explosive and highest damage weapon are list in this type.
- Crossbow (DC)
Single-shot, A DC-5c Tomoyatalian crossbow, in single shot can kill enemies instant.
Based from Tomoyatalian DC-4c from Star Democratic: Memory of Kagami prop, Manufacturer: Tomo-Rikira, Introduced: around 100,000,000 year.
- Flamethrower (M-232) (TDS)
Fully-Automatic, Cover enemies when heavy fire from their cover, using this weapon to take down enemies in the bunker, cover, everywhere in location at close range, which flamethrower are not using in any scification to due illegal attack, only Star Democratic, Starship Trooper and Star Wars are only have this weapon.
Based from M2 flamethrower
- Grenade Launcher (M-37)
Semi-Automatic, M-37, Short range launcher, best action against close range and cover multiple enemies.
Based from Heckler & Koch AG36 and part of Heckler & Koch M-25 Grende Launcher, Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch, Introduced: 7 ADG.
- Airburst Grenade Launcher (STU)
- Single-Shot Grenade Launcher (TDS)
- H. E. A. T. (M-66) (AwRaD)
Single-Shot, Lock-on Missile Torpedo launcher, best choice for against Starfleet ship.
Based from M72 LAW, Manufacturer: Superpe Ronte, Introduced: 2 ADG.
- Minigun (M-2000)
Fully-Automatic, High-Powered Rate Fire Minigun is the best choice for support gunman, not assault, good for take down enemies shuttle and some armor, but not fighter in some case, other old was Vulcan-2000.
Based from M-134, but is hand-held, not hold from hip like Vulcan-200, Manufacturer: SCR, Introduced: 0 ADG.
- O. I. C. W. (M-60) (AwRaD)

Based from Heckler & Koch M-29, Manufacturer: SCR, Introduced: 88,000,000 BDG.
- Railgun (RX-17)
Single-Shot, Long range Japanese rifle, developed by Federation Advanced Weapon Research and Development, good against vehicle to aircraft such as class 2 shuttle.
Based from FN SCAR-H model, Manufacturer: Universal Startech, Introduced: 7 ADG.
- Rocket Launcher (AT-16) (appeared as Fusion Burst)
Single-Shot, Classic Rocket Launcher, a.k.a. Fusion Burst since AMU II, the best accuarcy rocket launcher in the Scification.
Based of AT-16 model is from AT-4 and FIM-92 Stinger, Manufacturer: Superpe Ronte, Introduced: 88,000,000 BDG.
- Multiple Rocket Launcher (TDS)
- Target Lock
Single-Heart per form, Best Powerful Superweapon from Shugo Chara!, Negative Heart, Lock on! and Open Heart against multiple enemies and they will disappear from short time.
Based from FIM-92 Stinger, Manufacturer: Shugo Chara!, Introduced: Unknown.
- Advanced Pistol (B-P-1) (AwRaD)
Semi-Automatic, The Advanced Prototype pulsar kinetic pistol with 8 shot, which powerful damage than sniper rifle.
Based from Blanc's Pistol from Hyperdimension Neptunia.
- Assault Pistol
Fully-Automatic, best in rate fire and damage, but low against range and velocity.
Based from Glock 22, also based from M4 machine pistol.
- Automatic Pistol (TDS)
- Battle Pistol (STU)
- Burst Pistol
Three round Burst, best choice for long range and multiple enemies from far away.
Based from RE-4 Plasma Pulse Pistol which the pistol was based from FN FNP.
- Heavy Pistol
Semi-Automatic, High caliber pistol, best like semi-pistol as rate fire and powerful range and damage.
Based from Colt M-1877 and IMI Desert Eagle.
- Light Pistol (STU)
Semi-Automatic, Light pistol with faster rate fire with more ammunition, but low damge and range.
Based from Colt M-1911.
- Rapid Pistol (STU)
- Revolver
Semi-Automatic, 6 Shot for loading, a Shotgun loading ammo won't save against cowboy if you are farmer, revolver are good choice.
Based from .44 Magnum.
- Semi-Automatic Pistol (M-1)
Semi-Automatic, Best regular pistol in the galaxy that allow to fast action.
Based from Heckler & Koch USP 45. also from USP 74.
- Semi-Clocking Pistol
Clocking Action, A gun like Toy when shoot and clocking at same time, this pistol is heavy burst damage plus with range and powerful than semi-automatic pistol, but worse for just shoot and clocking and shoot and ....., which no pistol in this type in real world.
Based from FN Five-seveN
- Silenced Pistol
Semi-Automatic, Energy weapon have advanced technology that allow to shoot enemies in silenced attack with gun rather knife or sword.
Based from Luger pistol and Colt 1911 and half of FN Five-seveN.
- Single-Shot Pistol
Single Shot, One hit kill an enemies in single bullet, as far as it was Sniper pistol in some person, powerful in damage, but in single ammo.
Based from Unknown flare gun.
- Shot Pistol
Semi-Automatic, Shotgun pistol is best choice for police officer in federation or S.W.A.T. team like Alpha Force, as it used in close range and knockback someguy just hit it.
Based from RE-4 and back is USP 45.

Semi-Automatic, Bigger version of Particle Rifle, PX-2's pros is advanced pulsar kinetic energy that take down enemies in single shot but cons was development for Lady White Heart only.
Based is unknown weapon model from Hyperdimension Neptunia, Manufacturer: Hyperdimension Neptunia, Introduced: 7 ADG.
- Advanced Rifle (M-64)
Fully-Automatic, Bring a rate fire and range for multiple target which scope are genius to mark enemies position, and also machine rifle for support troopers.
Based from same model of RAT-2 that is based from Special Purpose Individual Weapon.
- Anti-Tank Rifle (RM-2) (AwRaD)

Based from Assault Rifle model from Hyperdimension Neptunia, Manufacturer: Hyperdimension Neptunia, Introduced: 7 ADG.
- Assault Rifle (M-50)

Based from Heckler & Koch G-36 KV and some stock part similar to Assault Rifle model from Hyperdimension Neptunia, remove magazine, Manufacturer: SCR, Introduced: 5 ADG.
- Automatic Rifle (M-440) (STU)
Fully-Automatic, This is automatic rifle which short range but more ammo like carbine, but damage higher than Assault rifle and less accuracy.
Based from SIG SG 540, also is prop of RA-4 Plasma Battle Rifle for Michael Army.
- Battle Rifle (M-99)Based from SIG SG 540, also is prop of RA-4 Plasma Battle Rifle for Michael Army.
Fully-Automatic, High caliber rifle, a second most common rifle in the galaxy to due a heavy damage and range, but less against velocity and increase the recoil.
Based from Heckler & Koch 33.
- Bolt-Action Rifle (M-96)
Bolt-Action, A classic rifle, bolt-action rifle is the World War I service rifle that you need as range, and accuracy, but not allowed for close range.
Based from M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle and FN SCAR-H.
- Burst Rifle (M-39)

Based from IMI TAR-21 that is based from SR TAR-39 prop.
- Carbine Rifle (M-88)
Fully-Automatic, Shortly version of Assault Rifle, a carbine is light rifle combine with sub-machine gun and rifle, less range but increase in rate fire and velocity.
Based from Heckler & Koch 416 and Colt CAR-15.
- Combat Rifle (M-21)
Fully-Automatic, Close range with high damage rifle, but less rate fire and accuracy much like Battle Rifle, but faster velocity with low recoil.
Based from FN SCAR-H and part of TAR-21 which also was came from SR SCAR-F prop.
- Heavy Rifle (M-3)
Semi-Automatic, A heavy like revolver rifle, a Heavy rifle is the slower rate fire with great damage and accuracy, but also highest recoil in the most of rifle, not recommend for close range combat.
Based from Heckler & Koch G-3 and part of Steyr AUG and TAR-21.
- Light Rifle (M-2)
Fully-Automatic, Silenced Rifle with low recoil, but low accuracy and range as well with powered rate fire.
Based from Olympic Arms OA-93.
- Particle Rifle (PX-1)
Semi-Automatic, The First PX-Project pulsar gun that develop for Lady White Heart, PX-1 is the HDN-based technology were made by Federation Advanced Weapon Research and Development.
Based from unknown.
Platinum Rifle (M-1071) (TDS)
Fully-Automatic, The Burst-shot Assault Rifle has return from Memory of Kagami, allowed to turn enemies to Rambo-like explosive body which soldier of SD, SG, B5 are turn as Ragdoll.
Based from STG-44.
- Pulse Rifle (MR-7) (STU)
Fully-Automatic, VXC-7 is the best Pulse rifle of Royal Lando Army, as have faster rate fire but low damage and faster velocity or high damage and low velocity.
Based from VXC-7 model.
- Rapid Rifle (M-31)
Fully-Automatic, The Rapid rifle that allowed for rate fire with medium recoil, but less damage and low accuracy and range for used in close range attack.
Based from MSBS Radon, also is part of REA-31.
- Recoiless Rifle (M-97) (AwRaD)
Fully-Automatic, No recoil and fully-automatic, this weapon is best choice for who have good accuracy but stuck with recoil.
Based from M-32 GL.
- Revolver Rifle (WyltkM)
Semi-Automatic, The Burst shot of Revolver Rifle is good for military defense and combat.
Based from Unknown.
- Semi-Automatic Rifle (M-93)
Semi-Automatic, best range when combat and allowed to keep loading magazine feds.
Based from M-1 Carbine and Heckler & Kock 417.
- Single-Shot Rifle (TDS)
- Stun Rifle (STU)
Machine Gun
- Advanced Machine Gun (M-119) (AwRaD)
Fully-Automatic, Powerful rapid-fire, double low accuracy, larger ammo to support role.
Based from M60-D and half of FN Minimi and Heckler & Koch HK-21.
- Assault Machine Gun (M-117)
Fully-Automatic, Support and combat at same-time is the Support Rifle that allowed easy to carry.
Based from Heckler & Koch M-27 IAR.
- Automatic Machine Gun (TDS)
- Battle Machine Gun (M-229) (STU)
Fully-Automatic, Heavy Support high ammo and damage, the battle mg is shorter support gun that allowed for anti-person.
Based from FN SCAR-H which similar version of LMG which the prop is not same FN SCAR-L model, which also WA-29 prop.
- Burst Machine Gun (M-227)
Three round Burst, Burst fire when fully-ammo, support combat is the three round burst bullpup machine gun.
Based from QBB-95 which also prop of QBB-227.
- Combat Machine Gun (TDS)
- Heavy Machine Gun (M-42)
Fully-Automatic, Heavy Powered Machine Gun, with bug gun could make rip their body of piece, support role tactical repeater blaster, assault is not a choice.
Based from Heckler & Koch 21 and Heckler & Koch MG-3.
- Light Machine Gun (M-76)
Fully-Automatic, LSAT is the long-live machine gun has been replaced by M-76 as Lady White Heart don't have magazine box, inside make as bolt, Support role and Assault role.
Based from Heckler & Koch MG-36 and LSAT model.
- Personal Defense Weapon (M-201)
Fully-Automatic, Assault Rifle version, Light combat allowed in range, but decrease rate fire.
Based from KRISS Vector.
- Sub-Machine Gun (M-54)
Fully-Automatic, Close range combat assault role, faster rate fire and low recoil, but low range and accuracy with poor accuracy when blind cover-fire.
Based from Heckler & Kock 53.
- Advanced Sub-Machine Gun (M-7) (AwRaD)
Fully-Automatic, M-7 is CQC tactical's best SMG choice, is the faster rate fire and large ammo, but low range and low accuracy when fire.
Based from Heckler & Kock MP-7 also is prop from MP-7A4.

- Burst Sub-Machine Gun (TDS)
- Micro Sub-Machine Gun (M-114)
Fully-Automatic, Machine Pistol, best for regular person when need no high accuracy need and lower recoil.
Based from Heckler & Kock P-2000 and part of KRISS Vector.
- Advanced Shotgun (AwRaD)
- Assault Shotgun
- Automatic Shotgun (TDS)
- Battle Shotgun (TDS)
- Bolt-Action Shotgun (AwRaD)
- Burst Shotgun
- Combat Shotgun
- Flechette Rifle
- Heavy Shotgun
- Light Shotgun (STU)
- Pump Shotgun
- Sawed-off Shotgun
- Single-Shot Shotgun (TDS)
- Advanced Sniper Rifle (M-810) (AwRaD)
Semi-Automatic, The Beam Sniper rifle is good choice for Federation Advanced Sniper Unit, as support rifle, instant hit against most of enemies.
Based from SIG SG 556 Sniper.
- Anti-Material Rifle (M-80)
Semi-Automatic, The Heavy Sniper with ability to shoot though wall is extreme powerful sniper in the Federation military that can blow your cover.
Based from Accuracy International AS50
- Assault Sniper Rifle (M-171)
Fully-Automatic, the Automatic sniper is good for support longer of machine gun style, but low accuracy and range, good well in assault role.
Based from FN FAL.
- Automatic Sniper Rifle (TDS)
- Battle Sniper Rifle (TDS)
- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
- Burst Sniper Rifle (M-226)
Three round Burst, Burst shot for multiple hit person sniper rifle, good for range and damage, but low accuracy and high recoil.
Based from Heckler & Koch XM25, also Colorer's Sniper Rifle WA-21.
- Combat Sniper Rifle
- Heavy Sniper Rifle
- High-Explosive Sniper Rifle (TDS)
- Light Sniper Rifle (STU)
- Marksman Rifle (M-94)
- Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle
- Single-Shot Sniper Rifle
Firearm: (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
Like Lady White Heart, most of weapon are RPG element which have only one type and also it became as universal of firearm such as Interstellar class Assault Rifle, Disco class Heavy Sniper Rifle.
Note: Follow from Regular to Powerful
I = Interstellar, D = Disco, SC = Star Conflict, SE = Star Explorer, SD = Stardoor, S5 = Sheridania 5
(Advanced Weapon)
- Gravity Well Launcher
- Bee Assault Lethal Tactical
- Target Lock (a.k.a. Negative Heart)
- Hyper Energy Laser Launcher (a.k.a. DEFENSE PROGRAM Cannon)
- Fusion Mag Launcher (a.k.a. Instant-kill Beam Launcher)
- Grand Overdrive Destruction of Duratal Elimination Strike System (a.k.a. Goddess of Flame)
- Aimbot
- Hyper Aimbot
(Heavy Weapon)
- Grenade Launcher
- Single-Shot Grenade Launcher
- Revolver Grenade Launcher
- Combat Grenade Launcher
- Automatic Grenade Launcher
- Airburst Grenade Launcher
- Multiple Grenade Launcher
- Rocket Launcher
- Fusion Burst (a.k.a. Single-Shot Rocket Launcher)
- Combat Rocket Launcher
- Recoiless Rifle
- Automatic Rocket Launcher
- Lock-on Rocket Launcher
- Multiple Rocket Launcher
- Energy Launcher
- Tomoyatalian Crossbow
- Railgun
- Beam Launcher
- Fusion Launcher
- Lock-on Beam Launcher
- Multiple-Beam Launcher
- Other
- Flamethrower
(Machine Gun)
- Micro Machine Gun
- Sub-Machine Gun
- Personal Defense Weapon
- Light Machine Gun
- Automatic Machine Gun
- Battle Machine Gun
- Burst Machine Gun
- Heavy Machine Gun
- Rapid Machine Gun
- Claw Machine Gun (a.k.a. Multiple-Barrel Machine Gun)
- Minigun
- Autocannon
- Semi-Automatic Pistol
- Self-Loading Pistol
- Automatic Pistol
- Shot Pistol
- Burst Pistol
- Revolver Pistol
- Marksman Pistol
- Heavy Pistol
- Rapid Pistol
- Single-Shot Pistol
- Charge Pistol
- Multiple-Barrel Pistol (a.k.a. Duck-Foot Pistol)
- Assault Rifle
- Battle Rifle
- Burst Rifle
- Semi-Automatic Rifle
- Bolt-Action Rifle
- Carbine Rifle
- Rapid Rifle
- Heavy Rifle
- O.I.C.W.
- Single-Shot Rifle
- Charge Rifle
- Multiple-Barrel Rifle (a.k.a. Gatling Rifle)
- Pump-Action Shotgun
- Double-Barrel Shotgun
- Semi-Automatic Shotgun
- Automatic Shotgun
- Burst Shotgun
- Revolver Shotgun
- Rapid Shotgun
- Heavy Shotgun
- Single-Shot Shotgun
- Flechette Shotgun
- Charge Shotgun
- Multiple-Barrel Shotgun
(Sniper Rifle)
- Single-Shot Sniper Rifle
- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
- Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle
- Automatic Sniper Rifle
- Combat Sniper Rifle
- Burst Sniper Rifle
- Rapid Sniper Rifle
- Anti-Material Sniper Rifle
- Heavy Sniper Rifle
- Marksman Rifle
- Charge Sniper Rifle
- Double-Shot Sniper Rifle
- Underbarrel Flamethrower
- Underbarrel Shotgun
- Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
- Underbarrel Rocket Launcher
- Underbarrel Beam Launcher
- Underbarrel Fusion Launcher
- Semi-Automatic Pistol
- Heavy Pistol
- Automatic Pistol
- Revolver
Machine Gun:
- Submachine gun
- Light Machine gun
- Support Rifle
- Minigun
- Assault Rifle
- Battle Rifle
- Burst Rifle
- Semi-Automatic Rifle
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The Magazine from G36C. Traditional Reloading (Red), Lady White Heart Reloading (Blue) |
- Many gun prop are based on XM8 rifle while some prop are similar based on G36 rifle.
- The Lady White Heart gun prop, some prop is Shotgun or Sub-Machine Gun were make prop as Rifle.
- Most of Weapon in Lady White Heart series is start with 'M' such as M-1 (USP 74.) and M-50 (G36).
- Most of Weapon are many type, some gun is similar to Neptunia which have only one weapon in type, many type are same model in reskin.
- Many weapon is only Player (Blanc) can equip, some weapon might belong to him such as M-60 OICW to Jarson Gamatara, but he can't be equip this weapon, he can carry Tier 1 weapon only.
- Many SCO skin weapon of Memory of Kagami were capable to shoot enemy in space.
Babylon 5
Almost weapon name of Auricon or Earthforce firearm weapon in Babylon 5 are used only less word, Example: Auricon Sniper Rifle = ASR. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Auricon Assault Rifle
- Auricon Burst Rifle
- Auricon Enhanced Rifle
- Auricon Grenade Launcher
- Auricon Heavy Rifle
- Auricon Ion Cannon
- Auricon Machine Gun
- Auricon Missile Launcher
- Auricon Plasma Pistol
- Auricon Shot Gun
- Auricon Sub Machine Gun
- Auricon Sniper Rifle
- Centauri Rifle
- T-8
- Tromo Rifle
- Westlake & Grummon Pistol
Star Democratic
- ADM-45
- ADM-97
- AK-94
- AN-214
- AT16
- DC-2
- DC-3
- DC-4
- DC-5
- G36
- G3
- M15
- M7
- M76
- M8
- M8 (HDN)
- M88
- M89
- M94
- MP7
- QBB-227
- R-4
- R-4 (Superplasma)
- RA-33
- RE-2
- REA-31
- RMG-2
- RPG7
- RT-3
- TAR-39
- TYE-8
- Type-3 class
- Type-3/1
- Type-3/A20
- Type-4 class
- Type-4/1
- Type-7 class
- Type-7/1
- Type-17 class
- Type-17/1
- UMP. 74
- USP. 74
- Vulcan-2000
- VXC-5
- VXC-7
- WA-2
- WA-11
- XCS-5
- XCS-7
- XCS-9
Star Wars
- AR-280A1
- DX-2
- DXR-7
- E-5
- E-11
- E-19