Declaration of the Rasuteishon Teikoku


Sorry, I never heard that Stargate Command have Bomber-302 Before

This achieve is appeared in Memory of Kagami; Rebirth only

Declaration of the Rasuteishon Teikoku
Related events: Next Order
Proposed by: Lady Kasami Hiiragi
Date: G.C. 2014
Government: Interstellar Federation
Legislative body: Senate of the Interstellar
Outcome: The Interstellar Federation becomes
                 Lastation Empire via the Next Order
                 - Federation Armed Self-Defense Force
                 becomes the Imperial Lastation Armed Force
                 - Kasami Hiiragi ascends to the position of
                 Console Patron Unit
                - Dissolve senate and government structure
                 to single person
                 - All Independent states are annex by the
                 empire and dissolve Federation system
                 - Increase hostilities of Lastation Empire toward
                 loser universe after Great Universe War
                 - Treaty of Hiiragi, Megami, Niwa, Kukan
                 and Volkon
The Declaration of the Rasuteishon Teikoku, known in Lady White Heart as Declaration of the Ruui Teikoku was a proclamation made by Lady Kasami Hiiragi in G.C. 2014. after ceremonial of 5th princess of the federation, she have declare to abolished Interstellar Federation into the single power of Lastation Empire. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

After disaster of Great Universe War and death of Kagami Hiiragi, Kasami Hiiragi is only sole ruler of the Federation found herself about weakness of the Federation such as Federation Armed Self-Defense Force were not prepare for war in their land which they didn't do any serious more than defending against enemy invasion, after the war, the Defense Force were completely weak against next invasion from enemy of Star Conflict. Also the Federation's weakness have trigger many states declare independent from the Fedation such as Principality Alliance of Disco and other 12 states

After Declaration of the Ruui Teikoku, Lastation Empire have unite most of states who is agree with the Empire and dissolve all states into single states, However, Most of former member of Federation such as Principality Alliance of Disco and another former member who have been independent from Interstellar Federation have been invade and annex by Lastation Empire Military shortly after their independence. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Full Text
Declaration of the Ruui Teikoku
Thank knew, as I'm am the Princess of the Federation after my sister, everyone know that it pain to do so, as the Interstellar Federation will continue to build the future in better day, however, the Federation is now no longer move at this point and now fall, the Star Conflict want us become their slave, their scum word, we are not a Rebel, and we are not a weakest!

I don't believed that Gods are exist in this galaxy that make everyone to believed it real, if we don't walk and wait for God to bring us to defeat the enemy, the enemy will burn us all when citizen want to wait the God, We don't wait for time to do, we did we do, and we don't want time to stop us being rise from ash slower, we want to fast, faster, fastest and will fast than second to build a superior army to stop the enemy.

But we trust to move forward to seek that God is exist in everyone to trust and move forward to fight for the Princess, to sure that no people would stop us being build a great future, if we move forward, a God will come closer and realize that God is us. We don't want to stop, we want to move forward in two leg, friend will move more quick than single and will powerful if you want to join them all, for the Federation, and for the Galaxy.

But today, they harm anyone and the Star Conflict never end the war with the Federation, that why we will stop to rule the Federation soon as I, gonna not to be a princess for now, for the defense and the military of Federation for everyone, I have lost my sister in that war, we know is hurt, the Democracy are no more, for the Federation, I have reorganized the Federation into...... the FIRST OF, LASTATION EMPIRE!

I'm Lady Kasami Hiiragi, I am the First Goddess of Lastation Empire, Everyone will follower my order, we will move forward, we don't want to fall back, we will make the Empire better than Federation did, that why that the Empire will make more stronger, without the Democracy, I will ruler the empire better, for now, the Star Conflict will should be Destroyed in my hand, as they did on everyone, on me, and the Federation that turn into the Empire to know that, THEY WILL DESERVE TO KNOW THAT THE EMPIRE WILL MAKE THEM TO PERISH, AS THEY KARMA ARE NOW ENOUGH TO STRIKE BACK, Remain Enemy will be hunt down and DEFEAT!

The Defense Force are no longer Defense anymore, the security will turn into Imperial Armed Force, to Dominated anyone who oppose to the Empire, if we have do since this day, my sister will never died like this, today, this is not a Federation day anymore, but is the day of the Empire! This is last day of Democracy, to new system of Total and New Order!

The C.P.U.

For the Ruui Teikoku we will not fall
by Lady Kasami Hiiragi of Interstellar Federation


People of Interstellar Federation:
Many people before the Interstellar Federation turn into the Lastation Empire have agree to reform the Federation into the empire and do a serious thing, although some people are disagree with the Empire which later they have arrest and re-education about the new order of Lastation Empire. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Many Independent States:
Most of Independent especially Principality Alliance of Disco after independent from the Federation disagree with Declaration which many independent states are left unprepared against Lastation Empire military that they think they will be Defense Force over again, however, Lastation Empire have leave as Defense Force, which now became invasion force and annex most of Independent states. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Another Universe:
Many universe alongside war with Federation are agree that Interstellar Federation have to prove the new power into the Lastation Empire while many loser universe especially those Stardoor and Star Explorer are disagree with Lastation Empire because Lastation Empire have increase the hostile toward any loser universe who fought in Great Universe War as Lastation Empire have invade and annex galaxy of Starvessel Soldiers which became threat of their own karma after signed of Treaty of Hiiragi and before signed of Treaty of Megami and Niwa. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)