"American are people who walk step into the land of United States of America."
- Full motto of United States from President of the United States Henry Kyle prior before become as President of the Interstellar Federation right before Star Conflict Invasion over Touhou Galaxy, G.C. 2008 (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
United States of America |
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Political information
Type of Government: Federal presidential constitutional republic
Constitution: United States Constitution Head of state: President (actually same as Galactic government) Head of government: Unknown Executive branch: None (actually same as Galactic government) Legislative branch: None (actually same as Galactic government) Judicial branch: None (actually same as Galactic government) Military branch: United States Armed Force |
Societal information
Capital: Washington
Official language: Amulet Currency: Dollar National holiday: Independence day Motto: In God we trust Trust in the word of forward Anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner States: 52 (?) |
Historical information
America in Other Universe
There are many countries in other universe where using name similar as United States.
- Alien: Colonial States of America (formerly: Confederate States of America)
- Babylon 5: United Alliance of Canriema
- Farscape: International Space of Austrica
- Stargate: United States of Tau'ri
- STAR DEM0CRATIC: United States of Americo
- Starship Troopers: United Citizen of Ameracism
- Star Trek: United Federation of America