This version is BC-303 same as Stargate Universe were appeared in HDN, for Lady White Heart counterpart of BC-303, please see "Prometheus class Patrol Boat"
"Prometheus, a Greek Tragedy, we know that they are cheaper than newer version like BC-304"
Production information
Manufacturer: Tauri
Product line: Battlecruiser
Model: 303
Class: Battlecruiser
Technical specifications
Length: 195 meter
Maximum speed: 110,000 km/h
Engine unit(s): Maneuvering thrusters
Sublight drive
Hull: Naquadah/Trinium alloy
Hyperdrive rating: Intergalactic
Power plant: Naquadah generators
Shielding: Asgard shields
Sensor systems: Asgard sensor array
Targeting systems: Earth targeting systems
Armament: Railgun (24)
VLS Missile tube (12)
Complement: F-302 fighter-interceptors (8)
Crew: 115+
Role(s): Battlecruiser
Year introduced: 2003 SGY or 120,000 BDG
Affiliation: Stargate