Prometheus class Patrol Boat

"The name after if someone not payment to Lowee Empire."
- Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill, who disapproved of the name (Lady White Heart)

Prometheus class Patrol Boat
Production information
Manufacturer: Nevada Spacebuilder
Product line: Battlecruiser
Model: 303
Class: Battlecruiser
Technical specifications
Length: 195 meter
Maximum speed: 2,000 km/h (Standard)
                           110,000 km/h (Sub-Light Booster Mode)
Engine unit(s): NV-Heavy Naquadah Engine (2)
Hull: Naquadah/Trinium alloy
Hyperdrive rating: class 9.0
Power plant: Mark-III Naquadah generators
Shielding: Mark-IV Asgard Shield Generator
Sensor systems: Mark-II Ship-to-Ship Long range Scanner
Targeting systems: Mark-I Targeting sensor
Armament: BS CLWS Defense Turret (8)
                 Anti-Fighter Missile Tube (2)
                 Anti-Ship Missile Tube (1, USS Prometheus only)
Complement: Death Gilder (8)
Crew: Officer (2 - 6)
           Crewman (20 - 40)
           Pilot (8 - 16)
           Trooper (15)
Cargo capacity: 15,000 metric tons
Consumables: 3 month
Communication systems: Earth-to-Ship System
Role(s): Patrol Boat
Affiliation: Stargate
                   Lucas's Alliance
                   Neutral Alliance
The Prometheus class Patrol Boat, also known as BC-303 (Battle Corvette-303), 303 or Three-O-Three (or TOT, cursed word were known as Cry), many have often to called as Gunship to due design for against fighters and bombers, Booster Engine that allowed the ship speed up to escape against those of enemy warship, though Stargate have often to using Thifoire class to due advanced more than this ship, the Prometheus have often to using as patrol boat if budget is not enough to build with that those ship, one of Pendergast's ship have equipped with Anti-Ship Missile that capable to destroyed Republic class Cruiser and also Heavily Armor, though simply the ship is not strength to against those of capital ship and starbase like Yoshimizu Starbase which can tow them into apart in easy shot, very rare of some mission that involve with these gunship as they don't match against AT-AT when on atmosphere or Mastodon tank. Unlike railgun on those of BC-304, these railgun in these class are powerful capable rate fire in 600 RPM when standard version was 500 RPM, but surfer as it light damage and also less accuracy against long range which only against fighter when close range. (Lady White Heart)

Touhou Galaxy Project:
Lady Wihte Heart (First appeared)
Memory of Kagami Rebirth

- Lowee ship have often to shoot their engine of these ship is reference to Prometheus myths, as well as have much record about those Prometheus have been shot down by many Lowee Warship.