

A destroyer was a term used to describe a fast, relatively large ship. During Galactic Time, Galactic admiral served on a destroyer stationed in the Galaxy.

In Universal Defense Force, but destroyer are medium starship to defense the Aircraft Carrier only.

starship classification, destroyers were a type of starship in service with the Universal Dense Force. Although Universal generally eschewed military-type designations for its forces, a destroyer was a small, compact vessel designed primarily or exclusively for combat. In the Fleet Carrier, the designation of destroyer was generally defense in favor of aircraft carrier.

Destroyer Class
- Destroyer-class
- Fal-class
- Fuji-class
- Firststar-class
- Hiyasana-class
- Fimi-class
- Kanatan-class
- Keruta-class

- Hydra-class (Actactan)
- Imperial-class
- Federation-class
- Eautor-class

- Destroyer in the Interstellar Alliance Navy are large than cruiser.