"Laser weapon in the Lowee Empire now is extinct, Phaser Sight is beam like Laser Sight, but not same energy, because they can do damage on enemy eye as well as can stun or set to kill enemy"
- Blanc (Lady White Heart VG) when she buy Phaser Sight
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Weapon Information Type: Beam, Projectile Range: 9+ km Rate of Fire: 600 - 7,000 RPM (beam) -550 RPM (projectile) First used: Unknown Last used: ???? Status used: Standard most of sci-fi weapon Extinct (in Star Democratic) Affiliation: various |
Type of Laser
Laser application
- An industrial laser cannon was used to cutting many iron and metal to used in model in 12 ADG.
- A nanopulse laser was an exotic piece of equipment owned by Baralian who aided Uakra in capturing the Muslim Militia.
- A tri-laser connector was a type of Galactic Federation tool used to hologram.
- Laser weapons also exist, such as the advanced laser pistols and laser rifles used by civilian in the sport and universal police to stop crime, as Lowee era, a laser weapon now is extinct.
- Pulse lasers (in star democratic universe are called Pulser) were used as weapons to used in machine gun, sub-machine gun and turret. Like other laser devices, pulse lasers were very powerful in rapid fire to used by Universal Assault Trooper. (SD: Dark rise of Federation)
- Blaster are not plasma-bolt, but are high-laser burst weapon was used by Duck Civilization in 170,000,00 BDG was based from star wars's gift. The Blaster was a laser projectile based to disco's plasma pulse weapon and those Star Democratic's Phaser technology such as Kinetic and Field Energy3
- Super-Laser Most powerful of laser weapon to use is superweapon of Duck Empire, Nazi and Actactan Empire, But Super-Laser are Long range and good to destroy entire planet and starship than Superplasma.
- Point-Laser Cannon Comming soon
- Laser are weapon was remain only cutter, Weapon are not effect to plasma shield. (SD: Moonwalk Academy)
- Until Lady White Heart have confirmed that laser have been extinct in Star Democratic for now, since they don't have skill to craft or similar like such as craft a laser sight that can take damage as well which they craft as phaser sight.
Universal Data: Weapon