Bug War

"We must meet this threat with our valor, our blood, indeed with our very lives to ensure that human civilization, not insect, dominates this galaxy now and always!."

Bug War
Previous Wars: Meteor attack on Buenos Kathem Al
Next Wars: Second Bug War
Beginning: 11/7/G.C. 1996
End:  10/27/G.C. 2005
Location: Raciamus Galaxy
Outcome: UCF victory
                - Arachnid lost many their planet in Quarantin Zone include with their Homeworld
                - Tension between Citizen and the Government have increase
Major battles: Battle of Klendathu
                       Raid on Tango Urilla
                       Invasion of Planet P
                       Second Battle of Klendathu
                       Battle of Zulu Alpha
                       Battle of Hesperus
United Citizen Federation
  - Federal Armed Forces
    - United Mobile Fleet
    - United Mobile Infantry
    - United Military Intelligence
      - Psi Ops
      - Ministry of Paranormal Warfare
- Arachnid
- Sky Marshal: Gray 'Bruce' Dienes
- Sky Marshal: Tehat Meru
- General: Johnny 'Davidson' Rico
- General: Ace 'Jake' Levy
- Federal Council
- Terran Command
- Brain Bugs
The Bug War (G.C. 1996 - 2005), also known as First Bug War or Human-Bug War is 8 year the conflict between United Citizen Federation and Arachnid. The War was start after Federation declaring war on Arachnid after the Arachnid have response for meteor attack on Buenos Kathem Al, capital of Terra and the UCF, perish more than 8 million. The UCF have start to aggressor on Arachnid by invade on their home, however, the UCF invasion force were destroyed being poorly tactic. Although the Federation have fail to invade the bug homeworld is not end the conflict and soon start to assault on various bug system. The course of war have lead many people not from Earth start to revolt and cease the war were known as "Peace Terrorist" in later year as the genocide and many people have their opinion to stop the conflict since bug may have try to defend the home from the invader, last conflict is end in G.C. 2005 by victory of the Federation to retake the Hesperus from Arachnid force. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)