"The weapon is not make for good or evil, but just how to use it."
- Kasami Hiiragi (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)
In the Star Democratic, a superweapons are used by several galactic government, minor government, invader from other galaxy and groups, They are used for territoriality, for own government join us, for Economic or used for Revenge like Disco Lando's New Galactic Empire was a princess of interstellar get it with Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance.
Current most powerful superweapon in Star Democratic series was Chicxulu.
Superweapon Type: Planet Killer
Babylon 5:
- Starkiller
Also known as mass-driver in Babylon 5 it was a Centauri bombardment weapon that carry on their battleship in to boming Narn homeworld, it using meteor.
This was also seen in an Omega was using to bomb on K-11, although this never appeared in Rebirth. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
Star Democratic:
Actactan Empire
- Superlaser
The most powerful beam superweapon can destroyed a capital ship to planet were import from Star Wars.
Disco Federation
Disco Lando:
- Code 477 apocalypse weapon
The Extreme zombie apocalypse weapon used in Lando's Most Revenge for revenge the Interstellar Federation, but not effect to non-human species (such as robots and Guardian Character or even Blanc don't affect) and who is like Disco Lando, and based for Code 478.
The Code 477 is machine to take control a people by used a virus and service as Lando troops, but they attacker are similar to zombie attack is was full control brain, However, can negative by Target lock weapon.
It was used in several support Interstellar Federation from Lando's Main Club to Mars, many capital of interstellar was full-control of lando's domination by most planet was code 477 are Capital Disco, Piglette, God Disco, K-11, Mars and Chiyuki. (SD: SC: Lando's Most Revenge)
- Code 478 class Battlestar: DLS PDOMDP ("Punisher death of maximum doomsday planet")
The Planet like Death Star, based from planet used as military mega structure starship like planet used for launched of code 477 missile, all turret and cannon are fully and have a gravity, also known as DS-X1 orbital Battle Station, which he used Lando's Main Club as moving planet.
the code 478 build from planet that cover to ultimate battle station with advanced fusion shield, Advanced Superplasma cannon, full turret, missile batteries, cannon, code 447 missile and torpedo.
Michael Jackson:
- DFS Super of Disco Federation
long at 1,200 km battlecruiser, a DS-3 orbital Battle Station carry a superplasma cannon in 300,099 ADG.
Ducken Empire:
- Death Star
Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance:
- ASS Plutia's Superlaser
Plutia have superlaser that can destroy entire planet that based from CCSS Universal, but Universal is only shoot capital ship.
- Nuclear-like Fusion Bombardment
As the Federation bombardment with fusion cannon is look like a Nuclear bombardment which original is mentioned as warhead, but in Lady White Heart is energy as shot and explosive like Nuclear bomb. (SD: Lady White Heart)
- Mass Effect Field Pulsar Pulse Cannon
Mass of Pulsar Matter were used by ASS Blanc that high level than planet destruction and also can shoot against enemies space station and entire fleet.
- Maximum platinum energy
- Sub-Timer changer
- Target Lock
Extreme hand-held weapon used Unknown Energy can lock on enemy personal to "negative" enemy, can used enhanced mode to negative all enemy at solid, but not effect by owner weapon, avoid at wall or shielding (not force field or deflector shield), vehicle, lando's angry and Disco Lando. add a knochback to owner as power-up.
The weapon can lock on to hit body only no move muscle for negative enemy, the weapon can defeated a Lando's angry for Purified no revenge or angry.
Used by Alpha Force Guardian only.
This is non-Star Democratic weapon was a other universe weapon has mark as secret. (SD: SC: AMU - SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Type-4/1 SCR
Deadly Assault Rifle can blow all borg and disco troops not cover and burst to knockdown and have of many special tactical.
Jarson's Armed Force:
- Jarson's Armed Force
J.A.F. are deadly armed force of Star Democratic replaced Universal Force, most full-scale invasion and most largest military force of world sci-fi, they used to invasion Japanese anime only while non-anime can ease to invasion by normal force.
But not Doctor Who Universe.
Universal Federation of Alliance:
- ADM-45
An Phase Rifle developed in Federation Tied series 8 has (sniper) rifle/shotgun and grenade launcher mode similar to M41A1-BS Pulse Rifle from Alien.
In Memory of Kagami,modern variants is ADM-97.
- Atomic warhead
United Space Agency
- Chicxulu
Chicxulu is currently known as most powerful superweapon in Star Democratic series, name after crater that wiped out dinosaur.
Star Wars:
- Mass controller
Used by George Lucas in Memory of Kagami to control all star democratic's sci-fi alliance to fight against star democratic. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Super Death Star
Unlike other death star, but this are larger than Death Star II at 12,000 km and Technology are High-Tech than Star Wars class or close at Star Democratic's but high than SD, has command by Lando Davien.
Superweapon Type: Galaxy Killer
Jarson's Armed Force:
- Flzertron
Powerful particle beam of Star Democratic has used on JNN Maximilian von Spee, can destroy everything from burn sausage,capital ship , planet, entire fleet to collapse the galaxy. The Flzertron can shoot single shot from Jarson's Angry Energy, if he rage will burst galaxy into piece or little angry will only burning food.
Superweapon Type: Fleet Buster
Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance:
- ASS Blanc
Superweapon Type: Hyperdimension Burst
- Relay's power
many relay such as ASS Relay and other relay in another dimension are have power to destroyed single dimension much like Flzertron but is only to destroyed single galaxy, however, it cause to destroyed own dimension as well as relay was explosive.
- Power of Hiiragi Sister
Power of Katsura and Katsumi Hiiragi when she have power to combine to sacrifice both her life to blast single Dimension.
Superweapon Type: Firearm
Star Democratic:
- Target Lock
Also known as "Negative Heart", this weapon have appeared in many time in Star Democratic Video Game since AMU 2, the weapon was based on Shugo Chara! technology that can erase negative mind or angry mode with this weapon such as Lando Davien, it build for secret which no one know who made this weapon.
Alexander Munro Unique, Kagami Hiiragi and Kasami Hiiragi have use this weapon in many series.
Negative Heart is return to Touhou Galaxy Project.
- Type-4/1 SCR
This Deadly 4-ton rare Smart Rifle that can destroy entire army which Jarson Gamatara can do this, other people can do it too but never did as him because it was very heaviest to carry in battlefield. Build by SCR co with Heckler & Koch. It firing massive platinum energy which anyone hit with these laser will blow off into pieces and it carry with automatic grenade launcher. Another variants was Type-4/2 that used by Kasami Hiiragi which lightweight more than Type-4/1.
Superweapon Type: Other
Touhou Galaxy Project:
- PX-4 Multiple Arsenal Weapon
Known in general appeared as PX-4 Lock-on Pulsar Railgun is the Goddess weapon, developed by XJM Project which allow to use many weapon to engage enemy such as Railgun, Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher and more. This weapon is also capable in destroy entire fleet and planet.
Babylon 5:
- Project Double Door
Star Wars:
- Great Mind Trick
George 'Will' Lucas's Flagship, is 30,000 kilometer starship that serve as flagship of Lucas Alliance Fleet in order to destroy Touhou Galaxy with those mind trick enemy with him, the mind trick generator itself was giant organic brain inside his ship instead original version of Memory of Kagami that control direct from him, and also F-Spectrum Cannon that can destroy multiple ship when beam is move. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)