Fabrique Nationale FN-90

Sorry, I never heard that Stargate Command have Bomber-302 Before

This achieve is appeared in Lady White Heart only

"Fully Automatic, NA Army regular rifle, powerful in rate fire and high damage with capable to pierce Lowee shield like most of Stardoor projectile weapon, but poor accuracy and short range, design are similar as Sub-Machine Gun and quick production are made as poor quality same as E-11 Blaster Rifle"
- Description of FN-90 (Lady White Heart VG)

FN-90 Assault Rifle
Characteristics of the gun
Type: Assault Rifle
Type Energy: None
length: 750 mm
Weight: 4.0 kg
Ammunition: 50 shot
Size: Medium
Velocity: 300 m/s
Place of origin: Bel'saul, Tau'ri
Barrel length: 540 mm
Cartridge: FN 5.7x28mm
Sights: Iron Sight, Military Scope
Cost: G 3,000 (¥30,000)
          G 9,000 (¥90,000) (High Quality)
Description of FN-90
Range: 300 meter
Recoil: Extreme High
Accuracy: Poor
Weakness: Poor Accuracy
Special: None
Rate of fire: (Fully-Automatic)
                    1,200 rounds/min
Action: Gas-operated
Used and History
Designed: FN Herstal
Produced: 1 ADG
Number built: 600,000,000
In service: 1 ADG - 2,997 ADG
Manufacturer: FN Herstal
Used by: Stardoor
               Neutral Alliance
               Stardoor Resistance
Used by person: Antony 'Paul' Emerson
                           Blanec (Buy only)
                           Cameron 'Mike' Mitchell
                           Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill
                           Kasami Hiiragi (Buy only)
                           Samantha 'Sam' Carter
                           Steven 'Steve' Caldwell
Strong: Strong against Organic, Bypass against Lowee Shield
Neutral: None
Weakness: Weak against Armor
Ineffective: Ineffective against Vehicle, Surface
Fire Mode: Automatic
Element: Bullet
Damage: 5
Rate Fire: 1,200
Clip Size: 50
Magazine: 3
Velocity: 400
Range: 200
Accuracy: Poor
Recoil: Extreme High
Overheating: 0
Cost: ¥ 30,000
Level: 5 (Require: S-Men Rifle Training)
The Fabrique Nationale FN-90 ASG (Armee Sturmgewehr, Army Assault Rifle) or Servicemen Rifle in-game is bullpup assault rifle were using to all hand of Neutral Alliance soldier that using almost of military hand were known as development from Stardoor universe's P-90, this rifle has capable to pierce shield of Lowee military, but this rifle is short range and have function similar to Sub-Machine Gun, this rifle prove useful against Lowee soldier armor and Stormtrooper armor as well as this rifle is capable to pierce shield of Lowee even their shield is up, but suffer from poor quality of weapon that came from quick production as they have prepare for war against Lowee Empire same as E-11 Blaster Rifle, as well as poorly accuracy when firing in full automatic mode, like all of Stardoor weapon, this weapon has no capable of stun mode.

Followed to end of Lowee at War and Death of Lady White Heart, these weapon has seen were using by Stardoor resistance were attack on Lowee Empire until shared bursting. (Lady White Heart)

In HDN Season 3, as these rifle were never mentioned in Stargate but metioned this gun as newer rifle that sometime were replaced these P-90, but appeared as no name, as SGC has continue to using P-90 as their service rifle though they are sub-machine gun. (SD: HDN)

FN-90 Assault Rifle is Standard-issue of Neutral Alliance Soldier were seen during Stardoor Massacre of their people to found out about SGC Command Headquarter which replaced old service rifle P-90 Sub-Machine Gun, the FN-90 have 4 fire mode are Safe, Semi-Automatic, Five-round burst and Fully-Automatic, and was designed to use a variety of ammunition, including grenades, darts, and flares. A computer enhanced scope compensated for dark, hazy, or smoky conditions, while a supplementary computer enabled the scope to display data specific to the weapon's current operating mode. Like most of Stargate weapon, FN-90 Assault Rifle lack of Stun mode, only Kill mode is on and also is not overheaating when firing because is bullet weapon. FN-90 is Mass production of Firearm were most of gun are poor quality because is cheaper to make out were cause gun to broke everytime when Fire in fully automatic at 900 shot per day, High quality is make for special unit and Commanders of Neutral Alliance such as Jonathan O'Neill have one of these High quality. FN-90 have suffer from thier problem was firing in fully automatic is poor accuracy at 300 meter higher were high recoil per shot, Semi-Automatic is limited for 200 meter as effective.

Magazine is front of gun were similar as HK G-11 Rifle which as muzzle is under of magazine.

Behind the Scenes
The FN-90 Assault Rifle was based on FN P-90 Sub-Machine Gun same as Stargate has adopted this smg as service men rifle. During development of Lady White Heart as prop of this rifle has change to design similar as G-11 ACR were body of gun are similar as XM-25 Grenade Launcher.

- Antony Emerson is only who also using poor quality of gun, Another was Player.
- In-Game, as poor version didn't broke because is just as game.