JNN Maximilian von Spee

 "I didn't build this ship for nothing!"
Jarson Gamatara (SC vs SD)

JNN Maximilian von Spee
Production information
Manufacturer: Jarson's Armed Force
Product line: Supercarrier
Model: Maximilian
Class: Supercarrier
Technical specifications
Length: 2,400 meter
Maximum speed: 1,200 km/h
Engine unit(s): Plutonium Blast Engine (2)
                         Plutonium Sub-Light Engine (12)
Hull: Titanium
Hyperdrive rating: class 20
Power plant: Equipped
Shielding: Class XIM-7 Advanced Shield Generator
Sensor systems: Equipped
Targeting systems: Equipped
Armament: Flazertron Gun Mark IX (1)
                   RIM-162 ESSM (25)
                   RIM-116 RAM (25)
                   Phalanx CIWS (115)
                   Mark 12 gun (300)
Crew: 45,000
Cargo capacity: 280,000 metric tons
Role(s): Supercarrier
Affiliation: Jarson's Armed Force
Present for battles: Invasion of Shugo Chara!
Operator: Jarson's Advanced Fleet
Commissioned: S.D. 2007
Destroyed: S.D. 2008
Commander: Director Jarson Gamatara
The JNN Maximilian von Spee or simple Spee was sole Maximilian-class Supercarrier of Jarson's Armed Force and the flagship of the Jarson's Advanced Fleet, as well as the personal ship of the Director Jarson Gamatara during Invasion of Shugo Chara!. (SC vs SD)