Colorer 'Maxwer' Rebel (Touhou Galaxy Project)

"This is Maxwer of CCSS Shinozaki, we have sight of enemy fleet."
- Colorer 'Maxwer' Rebel during Defend of K-11 (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Colorer 'Maxwer' Rebel

Biographical information
Homeworld: Alpha V
Physical description
Species: Ducken
Gender: Male
Chronological and political information
Nationality: Alphavista
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Occupation: Fleet Admiral of Shinozaki Armada
Affiliation: Interstellar Federation
                   Lastation Empire
Maxwer, presumably is Colorer 'Maxwer' Rebel or known as Colorer Rebel is Commander of his flagship, CCSS Shinozaki, an Nagato class Battleship in Shinozaki Armada during Defend of K-11 but entire armada was destroyed by Great Mind Trick, left with only his flagship and one Shinano carrier. Also reappearance again in Battle of Chiyuki. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Behind the Scene
- Colorer Rebel in his death scream (SD: Legacy)

Maxwer is minor character have appear in Touhou Galaxy Project which have middle name resemble to Colorer Rebel is character based on Star Democratic since Maxwer was his central name have been appeared in SD: HDN, it most likely that TGP have reuse this character for this story as well, although he is not refer as Colorer Rebel since it not mentioned.

His death scream Grri-No is using frequently in video game in Star Democratic such as SD: Legacy to SD: HDN, but this didn't exist in Touhou Galaxy Project.

Touhou Galaxy Project:
Memory of Kagami Rebirth (First Appeared)