F-302 Death Glider

"Interceptor 302 spawning"
- Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill announce spawn an fighters (Lady White Heart)

Death Glider
Production information
Manufacturer: Colson Industries
Designer: Samantha 'Sam' Carter
Product line: Heavy Fighter
Model: Fighter-302
Class: Interceptor
Technical specifications
Length: 14.26 meter
Width: 26.17 meter
Height: 5.92 meter
Maximum speed: 25,000 km/h
Engine unit(s): jet propulsion engines (2)
                         rocket booster (1)
Hull: Naquadah/Trinium alloy
Hyperdrive rating: None
                               9.8 (SF-302)
Power plant: Mark-III Naquadah generators (?)
                     Mark-X Naquadah generators (SF-302)
Shielding: None
                 Asgard Shield (SF-302)
Sensor systems: Mark-II Ship-to-Ship Long range Scanner
Targeting systems: Computer aided targeting system
Armament: 20mm 500 RPM Autocannon (2) (F-302A)
                   10mm 1,500 RPM Rapicannon (2) (F-302B, F-302D, SF-302)
                   40mm Asgard Light pulse cannon (2) (F-302C, SF-302)
                   Missile lanucher (4)
                   Nuclear Missile (1)
                   Asgard Plasma Beam Cannon (1) (SF-302)
Crew: Pilot (1, 2 optional)
Consumables: None (possibly)
Role(s): Starfighter
Affiliation: Stardoor
                   Lucas's Alliance
                   Neutral Alliance
The F-302 Fighter-Interceptor, known as Death Glider or Lucas's Alliance time known as Model-302 was major fighter that using in Stardoor and also Neutral Alliance, it serve as attack fighter, it can take down those Starfurotor-2 and SX-3 Fighter in few shot, but they are very weak against those infamous TIE-Fighter which easily to shot down in one hit with their laser cannon when these laser are completely weak against those S-2 and SX-3, though that, F-302 is still as one of most deadly fighter in the scification which their weapon can capabled to pierce shield on those Lowee shield.

One weakness of this fighter is lack of hyperdrive and life-support system which their pilot will wear full space suit pilot, in fact that F-302 lack of shielding to using protect from warping, as limited used only were have it, as the fighter were have limited to attack enemy in long range to due inaccuracy of autocannon and velocity to hit especially against faster SX-3 Fighter. (Lady White Heart)

Technical data

An F-302 is superior fighter that can beat both S-2 and SX-3 Starfighter prior before Memory of Kagami Rebirth, but weak against more advanced starfighter such as Dolphin gunship and SX-4 starfighter, the F-302 is lack of shield that allow to protect from warp since warp without shielding will cause to take damage to the armor such as like case of TIE-Fighter are similar to one of them which only limited warp allow to them. Also that most of F-302 were easily to quick replaced. (Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Physical arrangement
The F-302 are based on X-302 were as alpha test for the Stardoor, their model is similar to those Goa'uld Death Glider and widely similar to X-301. Unlike X-302 which generally bigger than F-302.

Tactical systems
The F-302 is carry with 2 nose Autocannon and 4 of missile, they have optional to carry Nuclear missile or Asgard Plasma Beam cannon if the bomber is not available, but there are issue with Asgard Beam carry on fighter because they will loss more energy quicky when shoot multiple time, but only one version are not was Mitchell's Stealth craft.

- F-302A, Standard version carry with 20mm 500 RPM Autocannon that capable to deal against any aircraft.
- F-302B, similar to standard but refit with 10mm 1,500 RPM Rapicannon which allow the fighter to fire in rapid attack with their rapid cannon.
- F-302C, energy based starfighter that design after appearance of StarfurotorX-4, it capable to deal against enemy slower craft such as transport and bomber which more powerful than previous version except that this version is weak against faster craft.
- F-302D, light version that fastest most of F-302 series as carry weapon same as F-302B except they don't have missile weapon, it have weak armor which using as Recon fighter.
- SF-302, stealth version and fastest starfighter that only one prototype have been build is Mitchell's craft, SF-302 were have similar function that using by StarfurotorX-4 as the craft can switch their weapon from an machine gun to an energy weapon, as well as Asgard Plasma Beam, it also equip with shield and hyperdrive, sole SF-302 was destroyed by Kasami Hiiragi with her StarfurotorX-4. However, unlike Dark Glider from Lady White Heart, this version didn't using cloaking device.
- Dark Glider, cloaking device version used by USS Samantha Carter, all was destroyed with along that ship and unlike SF-302 in Memory of Kagami, these craft didn't have hyperdrive and shielding.

Touhou Galaxy Project:
Lady Wihte Heart (First appeared)
Memory of Kagami Rebirth

- Lady White Heart Guide of Hyperdimension Neptunia

Category: Stardoor Starship class