during time of 299,994 ADG, from Era of Phaser is more powerful on the galaxy has plan information more ray gun are not support to Universal Force, The laser and plasma weapon is low projectile and low ammo to defeat a disco federation from plan capture on coruscant. They need more velocity and more ammo they need. The Phaser weapon of M94A1 has begin to support now from 256 ADG from Type-7. (SD: Dark rise of Federation and Unknown group) In Rise of the Disco War, M94A1 has defeat by new first world of Assault Rifle Jackson's RT-3D and more MP-5 and SCAR-M, They will never use a phaser weapon again. (SD: Rise of the Disco)
Until M94A1 are return use again in 300,017 ADG during Disco Federation invasion on Earth they will surrender to disco and join us. (Disco's plan) But never Universal Federation was surrender to hand of disco and more M94A2 all ready fight back.
Last stand of disco on Earth is more Disco troops are move speed to fall from M-94A2 is high velocity to avoid a bullet to defeat a Moonwalk all of time. (SD: War of Disco)
M-94 are kinetic rifle is 2 mode of select-fire, A semi is only good on high place with enemy is low place, fully automatic is used in bunker and on-lock.
M-94's support M506 grenade launcher, laser sight target and more support is need.
M94A1 and M94A2 very weight to used on fully-automatic mode in stand shoot, More problem is fusion energy are useful to self a velocity, They can move out from bullet in low energy. (SD: Rise of the Disco and War of Disco)
Disco Plasma shield is gas based-ion can bullet more bullet and reflect a energy weapon (not on Ion and Electron weapon) from this shield, all M-94 is long range and speed bullet but reflect from plasma shield to kill yourself. (SD: War of Disco and SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)
Were are M94A4 was capture by Disco troops, They used a moonwalk to rapid fire of M-94 to kill enemy is well. (SD: Moonwalk Academy)
more federation used during time of disco is M-94, a Assault Rifle are used in sniper rifle mode and very weight to used in stand shoot.
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M94A2 Kinetic Rifle |
Standard Issue Phaser Rifle are most weight rifle used for Universal hand. (SD: Dark rise of Federation)
- M94A2
the First true kinetic weapons used all time, M94A2 is Assault Rifle has a Sniper Scope and Large size of ammo were appeared in 300,017 ADG.
The M94A2 is one of most accuracy automatic rifle of the galaxy. (SD: War of Disco)
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M94A4 Kinetic Rifle |
M94A4 was a Assault Rifle firing 600 RPM because no rate fire technology, it is M16 size with M506 Grenade Launcher and later has 750 RPM.
A Battle Rifle only used in Semi-Automatic mode and more tech combat. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)
A Semi-Automatic Carbine for civilian and federation navy seal.
- This First Kinetic Rifle used by Army, Unlike G36 is first by not used by army in 1,156 ADG.
Behind the Scenes
Universal M94A1 rifle is based from German MG-42 machine gun were are defeat by disco federation's RT-3D, it is very weight.
also Universal M94A2 is M14 battle rifle, Where are special in sniper mode.
Universal M-94A3/4 rifle are based from M-16A1 during Cold war in Vietnam war as Disco Federation invasion on Earth in 300,017 ADG. (SD: War of Disco)
M94A4 model used M16A4 with M203 grenade launcher and Red dot sight mark II.
MX94A1 is Battle Rifle more long range weapon based from American M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, were is weapon used in target more, and only used to defeat Celebrities Trooper. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)
M94C is Semi-Automatic Rifle from Colt Automatic Rifle model.
Rise of the Disco series:
- SD: Dark rise of the Federation (First Appeared as M94A1)
- SD: Legacy
- SD: Moonwalk Academy
- SD: Plan of the Disco
- SD: Plan of the Disco 2 (First Appeared as M94A4)
- SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army
- SD: Rise of the Disco
- SD: Rules of the Disco
- SD: Unknown groups
- SD: Up-rise of the Federation
- SD: War of Disco (First Appeared as M94A2)
- STAR DEM0CRATIC (as gun model skin)
- M94A2 in Sniper Mode can be shoot to disintegration of body, Unlike every Disruptor Sniper Rifle can Charge before shoot out.
- M-94A2 is very similar as Sniper rifle or battle rifle to much of weight.
- Every M-94A4 prop are have M506 Grenade Launcher same M16A1's.
See also
Comparison of the RT-3 and M94