39 (Number)


The Number 39 is the Famous number that frequently appeared in Star Democratic series as is Lucky Number of Kasami Mikiyoru, as before Kasami arrive to Universal Arts in 2009, it was parody of that Star Democratic's episode were on air in March 9 1988 which have parody as 39, as in-joke were used in various scene which that Jason has used as own birthday when February 29 is suck as well as the first episode were Jason is Director.

Number 39 is the number that parody when Star Democratic have start new Federation Tier 6 were on air in March 9 1988, as that year have 29 on previous month, which another year will stuck to due no Feb 29, Jason has using that date 3/9 as new birthday when no 29, as 3/9 is March 9, someone referenced as 39 and soon into as first day that Jason Gamatara become as Director when John Gamatara is become as leader, and was first that into as parody as 29 to 39 when given name as TAR-39, but most of them has been using in Kagami series because is Mikiyoru's Lucky number.

Real Life
- Star Democratic: Federation Tier Season 6 on air in 3/9 1988
- Universal Arts studio have 39 room in first floor.
- In Amulet, the Number 39 when as this font will look like 78.

In Star Democratic
Before Kasami:
TAR-39 (SD: Rise and Shire of Celebrities Army)
JNN Maximilian von Spee's landding number was 39. (SC vs SD)

Since Kasami:
- An Computer code of Jarson's Armed Force Headquarters CMR is XXXIX which = 39 as Roman numeral. (SD: LS)
- ASS Marusagi's bridge deck is 39. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Star Democratic's galactic code is 1439 DEMOCRAT. (SD: Memory of Kagami)
- Episode of Memory of Kagami has 39 chapter and 1 series, with 4 special chapter and 1 special (are 2 intro and 2 outro). (SD: Memory of Kagami)
Flag of Federation Defense Fleet. (SD: HDN)
- Hanger of ASS Blanc. (SD: HDN)

Touhou Galaxy Project:
- Chiyuki's Spaceport was number 27, as ship port in this building is 12 port = 39. (Lady White Heart)
- The training of Federation Defense Force is 39 day as training on your own, which as they test on battlefield. (Lady White Heart)
- 40 Federation Defense Force soldier on Piglette were killed by Away team from Star Trek, only one survivor is Kaidan Alenko were total soldier were kill is 39 soldier which AT crew were came with 47 personal has been kill in 38 and 1 person is capture by Lowee Empire. (Lady White Heart)
- Federation News Network System say that total horse were kill for food in number of 390,000,000 horse in Star Trek Universe after Blanc talk to her people. (Lady White Heart)
- Federation military rank officer (Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi)