Vengeance class Star Battlecarrier

"I have order to fire all missile and autocannon at will."
Vengeance class Star Battlecarrier
Production information
Manufacturer: Vengeance Heavy Industries
Product line: Star Battlecarrier
Model: Vengeance
Class: Battlecarrier
Technical specifications
Length: 600 meter
Maximum speed: 500 km/h
Engine unit(s): Photonium Engine (6)
Hull: Titanium
Hyperdrive rating: class 7.0
Power plant: Equipped
Shielding: Equipped
Sensor systems: Equipped
Targeting systems: Equipped
Armament: Mass Driver Cannon (4)
                   HE Missile Cannon (8)
                   MA-class Autocannon (20)
Complement: FF-80 Zeus (250)
                       B-45 Hades (100)
                       DR-X Venom (75)
Crew: Officer (30)
           Crewman (300)
           Pilot (300)
           Trooper (7,500)
Cargo capacity: 70,000 metric tons
Communication systems: Earth-to-Ship System
Role(s): Supercarrier
Affiliation: Starvessel Soldiers
                   - United Citizen Federation
                   - United Citizen Autocratic
                   - United Citizen Resistance
The Vengeance class Star Battlecarrier is the upgrade version of Athena-class Heavy Transport with Battlecruiser size, it was most powerful warship and most standard starship in the Vader Fleet. VAF Shiloh personal command ship of Omar Anoke. The Resistance have only sole Vengeance-class known as UCF Citizenship lead by Carl Jenkins(Memory of Kagami Rebirth)

Touhou Galaxy Project:
Memory of Kagami Rebirth (First appeared)

- Hyperdimension Neptunia: Touhou Galaxy Project: Memory of Kagami Reference Book