"We have our symbol and symbol have our people"
- Jackson Marker 3,056 ADG
Most common symbol of the Federation |
Seal of the Universal Federation of Alliance and
Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance was the symbol of the Universal Federation of Alliance and later Interstellar Federation of Galactic Alliance. The seal's name is known as Grand Royal Bird, although the
actually bird's name is currently unknown.
Version 1
Tier 1 version |
First version that known as primary symbol of the Federation is Grand Royal Bird which never know about the bird's name which believe to be a bird that native to Tomoya.
Version 2
Tier 2 version |
Federation seal during
Rise of the Disco: Rise and Shine of the Celebrities Army Era were most important symbol that used to stop the Disco forever. Different from previous version as have a tail in each side.
Version 3
Final version |
Appeared since Up rise of the Federation and most common Universal Federation of Alliance seal as well as Interstellar Federation seal until Memory of Kagami Rebirth.
Interstellar Federation Seal
Version: LsMR
Lando's Most Revenge version |
Most standard Interstellar Federation seal model since Lando's Most Revenge which is most common federation seal as type with other generation as blue along with crossline.
Version: MoKRebirth
Memory of Kagami Rebirth version |
Appeared in TGP, Although never use in Jarson Dimension, but official using as current seal of the Federation instead of any old.
Special Version
AMU version |
Special version that found in SC: AMU. This is High Resolution version were found in
Lady White Heart series.
Behind the Scene
Gekino Bird/Behind the Scene
- There are believed that Universal Wikia have older symbol than Version 1 like above, but has been completely lost during making.
- Interstellar Federation symbol's bird are used version 3.
- The symbol in Lando's Most Revenge was base from United Federation Planet from Star Trek.