Scification Power


The Sci-fi Universe in power of the Scification were Star Democratic has accept this action, the Scification Power is the status of most science fiction to known in the Scification has start in 2002, to known their status, such as Developed, Developing and Least Developing, as well as stop most of powerful sci-fi such as Star Wars who is least developing universe against Star Democratic is Developed Universe.

The most of Scification universe status start in 2002 are Developing Universe such as Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, Star Democratic and Star Trek on that year, Star Wars is the Least Developing.

Development Level
The Galactic government, and major science fiction are count, if not have these feature such as Doctor Who are out (see in Scification Power Member), as well as bring the dare sci-fi (such as Star Trek and Star Wars) that they are Developing were can't beat the Developed (such as Star Democratic).

If they is the first space race, Star Democratic has used this rule that is space race is they have Hyperdrive or Warpdrive, if they don't have is mean not space race.

As bring to Developed, any sci-fi must be observer by Star Democratic or his Alliance such as Battlestar Galactica, Red Dwarf for 10 year, if some year in sci-fi has change government (especially bad government has beat a good, except bad government are defeat or another universe are beat your government such as in Great Universe Wars) will be out and start plus with 10 year again.

Developed Universe:

Developed Universe is Universe that have high-tech level of technology, high level of human life is in real life as technology mean education and human level is mean age is higher, rate of born is high and no plague, as thing is not recover to entire universe and one thing is not missing is strong of government protect, also high economic power and military power are count later, such as Stargate's Tau'ri were strong to protect their empire, Star Democratic have advanced technology, the best government that strong not even Great Universe Wars and the Goddess: Lady White Heart that protect most of people and her empire so make more people to worship has become as one of most powerful government and military of scification, and Battlestar Galactic has strong military technology defense and peacekeeper government which 3 sci-fi are have strong government so they used this thing as symbol of Developed.

The Strong government must be a good side, a bad side don't count if they change or defeat, if good side has change own government or defeat such as Galactic Republic from Star Wars, Universal Federation of Alliance were defeated by Disco Federation or Star Democratic dominated Star Trek were count, as it must take for 10 year again if they change, somecase such as Star Democratic dominated most of sci-fi in Lady White Heart series which is also count, but another universe defeat another universe such as Star Trek defeat Stargate (except Star Democratic defeat another such as Star Trek or Star Democratic dominated Stargate that are count) or Star Democratic myth faction of Actactan attack are don't count, If sci-fi universe attack Star Democratic will count by against who attack Star Democratic because Star Democratic is leader to make guy to developed).

Some sci-fi such as Farscape and Star Trek are piracy because they don't have full detail, such as Star Trek in 2009, Farscape in 2007, Farscape has confirmed that they still as Developing Universe, but Star Democratic has given them and now is Developed in 2014, Starship Trooper and Babylon 5 is still Developing Universe, but SST will be now in 2015 and Babylon 5 is 2019 since they have strong government, some time, they has count the bad thing such as 'Star Wars Legend' or similar case that will make restart again over 20 year plus 10 year as watching = 30 year.

Star Trek is out because the developed must don't have to 'explorer any planet in own galaxy'.

Rule that count were effect as can't make the universe into the developed is:
- 1: Good Government defeat by Bad Faction or Government
If good government defeat by bad government or faction were mark as government has no full protection.
(such as Galactic Republic reform to Bad Galactic Empire or Universal Federation of Alliance defeat by Disco Federation)

- 2: Make Infamous thing (such as Star Wars Legend, Star Democratic: Lando's Most Revenge or Star Trek Phase II)

- 3: Attack Star Democratic Universe
Attack another universe are not count such as Star Wars attack Star Trek, but Stargate has attack on Star Democratic are count because Star Democratic is lead the universe to developed, if attack Star Democratic will reset.
(Stargate invasion Star Democratic)

- 4: Dominated by Star Democratic
Dominated by Star Democratic also count, but Star Trek dominated by Star Wars are not count, as Star Democratic Dominated will make the universe to SD control to stop and ban most of spacetravel to these universe.
(Star Trek dominated by Star Democratic or Lowee Empire dominated entire Stargate Universe)

  - 4.1: Become as Neutral against Star Democratic (such as Stargate were Neutral against Star Democratic were cause Star Democratic dominated this enemies)

- 5: No Public Knowing
Most of sci-fi have Public knowing such as Star Democratic, Star Trek, Babylon 5 and most of sci-fi,
some sci-fi like Star Wars has no public knowing in military secret are not count which is only military project like one was Star Democratic, no spaceship or no public knowing about technology or space race like Stargate are count because the people never known about the spaceship or travel in space.
(such as Stargate Universe were his Command and his technology/starship were public never known)

Rule that don't count is:
- 1: Good Government reform (such as Interstellar Federation reform to Lowee Empire or United Earth become as United Federation of Planet)
- 2: Defeat by another universe (such as Star Trek dominated Stargate, but Star Democratic dominated another universe are count)

Developing Universe:
These universe is still have advanced technology, but in fact, they are have normally style and regular technology (Example: Babylon 5's Starship), which have least advanced technology, Babylon 5 is one of them, but soon in 2019 Babylon 5 come to Developed.

Least Developed Universe:
Least Developed Universe is poor technology, poor everything since start as space race, have advanced as your planet, but least are poor as galaxy to universe wide, as well as the major government was change many time, Star Wars is Example (before August 2015), and Star Democratic before Federation Tier series.

Poor Universe (known as Barbarian Universe):
Poor Universe is not mean poor economic, or as high or low technology, Developing or Developed, as this type is mean barbarian were very lawless, these universe are threat of Star Democratic, know member of this universe is Star Trek, since Star Democratic teach them to poor universe from his revenge.

List of Member of Scification

Note: The economic don't count because this thing is not make become as powerful sci-fi.
Note: Some rank such as Chief of Military has more than one such as Star Democratic, will count only highest rank of their content.
Note: a Member have '(A)' is alliance with Star Democratic in current time.

Highest Leader rank in Scification:
From Highest to Lowest rank that according to Star Democratic.
- God (Star Democratic) (H)
- Goddess or Console Patron Unit (Star Democratic)
- System Lord & System Leader (Stargate)
- Emperor (Most of Sci-Fi)
- President (Most of Sci-Fi)
- Chief of States (Star Wars)
- Prime Minister (Starship Trooper and some Sci-Fi) (L)

List of Developed Member:
- Andromeda (since 2015)
- Battlestar Galactica (since 2014) (A)
- Doctor Who (since 2014)
- Farscape (since 2014)
- Red Dwarf (since 2014) (A)
- RoboCop
- Star Democratic (since 2014)
- Starship Trooper (since 2015)

List of Developing Member:
- Alien
- Babylon 5
- Back to the Future
- Blade Runner
- Ghostbusters
- Lexx
- V
- Stargate
- Star Wars
- The War of the Worlds

Free Universe
- Battlestar Galactica
- Farscape
- Star Democratic

Partly Free:
- Andromeda
- Babylon 5
- Starship Trooper
- Star Wars

Not Free:
- Lexx*
- Red Dwarf*
- Stargate
- Star Trek

* Red Dwarf and Lexx is limited story and location, and unknown.

Scification Power Member
Scification power member are science fiction that have government, technology, human development index (or age that human can be live), military, leader, type of government and how they survive the conflict.

Format: Name, Universal Code: Status (by year, for Developed only), Current Goverment - Level, Type of Government, Head of State: Name, Head of Government, Chief of Military, Military: Name, Health: total of human age, Technology: total of human known, Religion, Free Universe, Independence from: date, Note, (R:) Reason (only Developing), Hit it (mean the bad government or faction hit a good faction or government), Side (Superpower only, mean the universe's action, as neutral side* are reference as dark side as well)

Super Power:
Stargate, SG: Developing
(GOV) Stargate Command - Medium
(TOG) Authoritative Military Force
(LEADER) System Leader: Jonathan O'Neill, President, Stargate Command
(MILITARY) Very High: Tau'ri Armed Force
(HDI) High: 70 - 90
(TECH) High: 250 - 300
(FREE) Not Free
(IND) None
(NOTE) Stargate is the one of anti-religions sci-fi in Scification as well as Gods which only Universe that Gods are go to die, Blanc as well as Enemies of Star Democratic, Become as Member of Superpower in 2015, Leader of infamous alliance 'Neutral Alliance', and Public never known of technology
(HIT IT) Star Democratic Dominated (2015)
(SIDE) Dark Side*
(POWER) Major Superpower, Capable rival against Star Democratic
(RIVAL) Star Democratic
Blanc - White Heart
Star Democratic, SD: Developed (since 2014)
(TOG) Federal Democratic Republic
(LEADER) Goddess (Console Patron Unit): Blanc - White Heart, President of the Universal Federation, Naval Command of Federation
(MILITARY) Very High: Federation Armed Force
(HDI) Very High: 300 - 500
(TECH) Very High: 600 - 650
(RELIGION) Christianity
(FREE) Free
(IND) Independence from Star Wars: 1982
(NOTE) Current Superpower since 2014 from Star Wars
(HIT IT) 4, Star Wars attack (1977), Disco Federation attack (1994), Lando invasion (2010), Lucas Alliance invasion (2014)
(SIDE) Light Side
(POWER) Current Superpower, capable against rival like Star Wars, Star Trek and Stargate
(RIVAL) Stargate
United Federation of Planet
Star Trek, ST: Poor
(GOV) United Federation of Planet - Poor
(TOG) Single-party per states (?)
(LEADER) President: Alexander Marcus, President, Starfleet Command
(MILITARY) Medium: Starfleet Armed Force
(HDI) Very High: ?
(TECH) Very High: 450 - 500
(RELIGION) Unknown
(FREE) Not Free
(IND) None
(REASON) Most of Military ship are Explorer class and as well as Enemies of Star Democratic                                                
(HIT IT) 2, Breen attack Earth (1999 ?), Star Democratic Dominated (2015)
(SIDE) Dark Side
(POWER) Minor Superpower
(RIVAL), Star Democratic
Galactic Empire
Star Wars, SW: Developing
(GOV) New Republic - Low
(TOG) Republic (?)
(LEADER) Chief of States: Unknown, Chief of States, Supreme Commander
(MILITARY) High: New Republic Defense Force
(HDI) Very High: 150 - 200
(TECH) Very Low: 60 - 100
(RELIGION) Unknown (Jedi and Sith don't count because these are knight order, and not official)
(FREE) Partly Free
(IND) None
(NOTE) Former Superpower to Star Democratic since 2014 former was 2020 from Star Wars Legend and Former as Great Enemies of Star Democratic
(REASON) Because of Government has been change every time, and once was great enemies of Star Democratic
(HIT IT) Too many, Star Democratic Dominated (2015)
(SIDE) Half Light-Dark Side
(POWER) Minor Superpower
(RIVAL) Star Trek
Major Power:
Andromeda, Ad: Developed (since 2015)
(GOV) Systems Commonwealth - Strong
(TOG) Constitutional Monarchy
(LEADER) Emperor (?): Unknown, Unknown, Unknown
(MILITARY) Unknown: Unknown
(HDI) High: ?
(TECH) Very High: ?
(FREE) Partly Free
(IND) Independence from Star Trek: 1999
(HIT IT) None
(SIDE) Light Side
(POWER) Minor Power
(RIVAL) Farscape
Babylon 5, B5: Developing
(GOV) Earth Alliance (Interstellar Alliance) - Medium
(TOG) Multi-Tiered Democratic Republic
(LEADER) President: John Sheridan, President, Fleet Admiral
(MILITARY) Medium: Earthforce
(HDI) High: 90 - 100
(TECH) Medium: 120 - 300
(FREE) Partly Free
(IND) None
(REASON) Earth Alliance Civil War
(HIT IT) Earth Alliance's loyalty (199x), Star Democratic Dominated (2015)
(SIDE) Half Light-Dark Side
(POWER) Major Power
(RIVAL) Star Democratic
Battlestar Galactica, BSG: Developed (since 2014)
(GOV) The Twelve Colonies of Kobol - Strong
(TOG) Federal Republic
(LEADER) President: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown
(MILITARY) Very High: Colonial Fleet
(HDI) Very High: 200 - 350
(TECH) Very High: 500 - 550
(FREE) Free
(IND) None
(NOTE) Major Alliance of Star Democratic and Second Scification Superpower
(HIT IT) Cylon invasion (2003)
(SIDE) Light Side
(POWER) Major Power
(RIVAL) Star Wars
Farscape, FS: Developed (since 2014)
(GOV) Unknown - Strong
(TOG) Unknown
(LEADER) Unknown: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown
(MILITARY) High: Unknown
(HDI) Very High: ?
(TECH) High: ?
(FREE) Free
(IND) None
(HIT IT) Star Democratic Dominated (2015)
(SIDE) Dark Side
(POWER) Minor Power
(RIVAL) Babylon 5
Lexx, Lx: Developing
(GOV) Unknown - Unknown
(TOG) Unknown
(LEADER) Unknown: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown
(MILITARY) Unknown: Unknown
(HDI) Medium: 60 - 90
(TECH) Medium
(FREE) Not Free
(IND) None
(REASON) Lack more source
(HIT IT) Star Democratic Dominated (2015)
(SIDE) Half Light-Dark Side
(POWER) Minor Power
(RIVAL) Starship Troopers
Starship Trooper, SST: Developed (since 2015)
(GOV) United Citizen Federation - Very High
(TOG) Democratic terran government
(LEADER) Prime Councillor: Unknown, Prime Councillor, Sky Marshal
(MILITARY) High: Federal Armed Services
(HDI) High: 90 - 100
(TECH) Medium: 170 - 280
(RELIGION) Christianity
(FREE) Partly Free
(IND) None
(NOTE) Star Democratic called known as Mother of Greatilism
(HIT IT) Star Democratic Dominated (2015)
(SIDE) Half Light-Dark Side
(POWER) Minor Power
(RIVAL) Lexx
- Most of Head of State in most of Sci-fi are President with most leader 'sex' are only male, Star Democratic leader was female, once SD had leader as male.
- Star Democratic (along with Andromeda) is only sci-fi are Independence from own enemies.
  - Example: Star Democratic has rerun again after 1982 which dominated by Star Wars in 1977.
- All Superpower Sci-Fi once have authoritative government such as Stargate's Neutral Alliance, Star Democratic is Jarson's Armed Force, Star Trek is Terran Empire and Star Wars is Galactic Empire, new member Stargate is Neutral Alliance.
  - As well as Infamous thing such as SD's Lando's Most Revenge series, ST's Phase II and SW's Star Wars Legend are same threat.
  - And Alternate Story as well such as Blanc Dimension of Star Democratic, Alternate Reality of Star Trek and Disney Replacement Universe of Star Wars are same thing.