Neutral Faction

"You don't attack me when I am Neutral"
- example quote that is neutral.

During the War, A Neutral Faction are faction that not alliance with friendly or enemies, which easy to keep own faction survive any threat that came from belligerents or invasion of any enemies.

Many Scification faction has used the Neutral states such as Babylon 5, Farscape, Stargate and Star Trek (except Battlestar Galactica and Red Dwarf when Star Democratic is at war or need help) to keep survive from battle due from Star Democratic fight against Star Wars in everytime until Great Universe Wars, when Star Wars has invasion Star Democratic, as most of sci-fi are neutral when Star Democratic has strike back against Star Wars, Star Wars has turn those of Neutral to Star Wars alliance and fight against Star Democratic.

After Great Universe Wars, most of neutral faction are still used against Star Democratic as final invasion against Star Wars, Star Democratic has think those of Neutral faction as Enemy Faction or Trick Faction, one of them known as Neutral Alliance and Star Democratic has attack those faction as it think has trick for tactical or Plan B.

Star Democratic as Neutral status will appeared when non-combat or no war against Star Democratic, which there are no Neutral time for Star Democratic were some universe has at war against Star Democratic, if Star Democratic have Neutral time, some sci-fi Example: Stargate Universe attack Doctor Who Universe, Doctor Who need who to help, Doctor Who need Star Democratic to help, as Star Democratic wouldn't another universe fight another universe, which Star Democratic will lost from Neutrally everytime (as well as Battlestar Galactica and Star Democratic's Alliance as well).