Disco's Celebrities Army

Disco's Celebrities Army
Leader: Jason Michael
Part of: Armed Force of Disco Federation
Size: 1/4 of Disco Federation army
Affiliation: Disco Federation
Headquarters: Grand Motto Club, Capital Disco
Founding: 3,056 ADG
Status: Active
Disco's Celebrities Army, also known as Celebrities Army (commonly abbreviated as D.C.A., Originally was Michael Army) was a Disco Federation military organization in service as guardian for own club during 3,056 ADG, the DCA used Army from Celebrities Trooper and DCA were not associated with the Disco Militia and Disco Fleet.

The military official that oversaw the DCA was King of Pop.  DCA most troopers production is Michael Trooper and Lando Trooper. Training posts included Disco Training club in Capital Disco.

A detachment of troops commanded by King of Pop Jason Michael was assigned to the Disco Training Club for its mission into the Federation Space in 3,056 ADG.

DCA used celebrities on battle-droid version were more celebrities accept his project. (SD: Rise and shine of Celebrities Army)

Military Class

Known Celebrities accept this trooper

- Adolf Hitler - Adolf Trooper
- Barack Obama - Barack Trooper
- Harry Potter - Harry Trooper
- Jack Sparrow - Sparrow Trooper
- Johnson Bartender - Bartender Trooper
Lando Davien - Lando Trooper
- Lord Voldemort - Voldemort Trooper
- Jason Michael - Michael Trooper
- Ronald McDonald - Ronald Trooper
- Santa Claus - Santa Trooper


- There are only Colorer Rebel who is not accept a Michael Trooper.

Behind the Scenes


Celebrities Army is based from popular cyborg technology into "Assimilated" a Celebrities to new Trooper with special of force from celebrities is Borg from Star Trek.

Were Celebrities when product troops are similar to "Assimilation Celebrities".

Some trooper has say "We are the borg, low your ...... to ......... Resistance is futile".


- DCA is symbol for word mean "Disco's Celebrities Army", They don't called full name. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)
- Alias name for these troops are "(name of person) borg".