"Powerful burst rifle for United Space Army. The Intercom Military Industries Tactical Assault Rifle-59. The little brother to classic TAR-39 auto-burst rifle with powerful burst fire and accurate at long range. However, this is semi-auto burst fire."
Like to older out of unvierse TAR-39. This three round burst rifle with high damage and strong accuracy at long range, but this version have one major different compare to old version is this version is not a auto-burst fire rifle. (STAR DEM0CRATIC)
Behind the Scene
The TAR-59 prop after Tavor X95 which smaller to older TAR-39. It shoot a bullet instead of Phaser, as well as it not auto burst fire.
The IMI in this universe is stand for 'Intercom Military Industries' while the classic Star Democratic never mentioned the IMI in that time if this is likely stand for 'Israel Military Industries'.