
"Do you have the wish for willing to killing for?"

XO-01 Chicxulu
Project Chicxulu
Production information
Manufacturer: Unknown
Model: Unknown
Class: Superweapon
Technical specifications
Length: 12,000 meter
Maximum speed: 800 km/h
Engine unit(s): Ion Engine (2)
Hull: Titanium
Hyperdrive rating: class 17
Power plant: Equipped
Shielding: None
Sensor systems: Equipped
Targeting systems: Equipped
Armament: XO-01 Chicxulu cannon (2)
                   NEC-8 Autocannon (20)
                   AEROW-1 Naval cannon (8)
Crew: 42,000
Cargo capacity: 800,000 metric tons
Role(s): Battlestation
Constructed: Unknown
Destroyed:  2000 ADG
Operator: Unknown
Affiliation: United Space Agency
                   Romanov Government (?)
The XO-01 Chicxulu was a massive spaceship that build by United Space Agency which rumor to be Mars's secret superweapon which capable to destroying Earth much like Dinosaur's extinction. The spaceship were rumor to be built by extinction race that once lived on Mars before USA have found and rebuilt the ship with fill the USA prototype weapon known as "Chicxulu". (STAR DEM0CRATIC)

Behind the Scenes
"Time.....To Fuck Back!"

This superweapon was first appeared in STAR DEM0CRATIC which serve as main key role. The Chicxulu is currently as the most powerful superweapon in Star Democratic universe were powerful than old superweapon combine. Name after crater that wiped out dinosaur. But currently we don't have known about their purpose or how this weapon capable to destroy entire planet.

Star Democratic
- STAR DEM0CRATIC (First Appeared)

- STAR DEM0CRATIC Project Source