Nova class Dreadnought


Nova class Dreadnought
  Class: Dreadnought
  Model: NOVA-Model
Operator: Earthforce
Date: before 2200
Status: All are Scrapped to Star Democratic for Money
  Length: 1,700 meter
  Height: Approx 300 meter
Speed: class 9
Armament: SK 400mm Twin Plasma Pulse Cannons (18)
Complement: 5 size of fighters
                     - Starfury (5)
                     - Thurderbolt (5)
Defenses: Deflector shield
The Rocketdyne Nova class Dreadnought is an Long range Dreadnought that armament with 14 twin plasma cannons, which similar to Omega class model, Federation Defense Fleet personal has referred Nova class as Artillery Cruiser. (SD: Memory of Kagami)

In Lady White Heart, the Space Battle that appeared of Babylon 5 were no Nova class, most likely has been disposal and scrapped by Star Democratic for money to Babylon 5 after Great Universe Wars.