Celebrities Trooper

"We are the Borg, You will be assimilated, Resistance is futile."
- group of Michael Trooper in 300,022 ADG (SD: Plan of the Disco Federation)

Celebrities Trooper
Founding: 300,022 ADG (Michael Trooper only)
                300,056 ADG (more Celebrities)
Affiliation: Disco Federation
                Disco Lando's Galactic Empire
Role: Mutant-human like cyborg
Celebrities Trooper or also known as Celebrities Drone or early time known as Michael Trooper were the Most powerful troops of the Disco Federation. unlike Disco Militia and Disco Fleet, Celebrities Trooper served as ever present reminders of the absolute power of King of Pop Michael Jackson. These faceless enforcers of the celebrities were considered an extension of the Disco'will, and thus they often used celebrities tactics as a way to keep thousands of star systems throughout the galaxy in line. At the height of the Disco, celebrities trooper had effectively become symbols of ability and evil. With few exceptions, they were distinguished from all other military units by their signature celebrities brand name.

However, Celebrities Trooper was incompetent from true celebrities is "mind", Celebrities Trooper are droid, They used mainframe for his troopers, Federation known as X Trooper. (SD: Rise and Shine of Celebrities Army)