Daniel class Battlecruiser

Daniel class Battlecruiser
Production information
Manufacturer: Nevada Spacebuilder
Product line: Battlecruiser
Model: 720
Class: Battlecruiser
Cost: G 99,000,000,000
Technical specifications
Length: 1,700 meter
Maximum speed: 1,500 km/h (Standard)
Engine unit(s): Prototype NV-Heavy Naquadah Engine (3)
                      Prototype NV-Medium Naquadah Engine (8)
Hull: Naquadah/Trinium alloy
Hyperdrive rating: class 9.0
Power plant: Mark-III Naquadah generators
Shielding: Mark-IV Asgard Shield Generator
Sensor systems: Mark-II Ship-to-Ship Long range Scanner
Targeting systems: Mark-I Targeting sensor
Armament: Zerstorung-II Plasma Beam Cannon (4)
                   BS-A CLWS Defense Turret (4)
                   VLS Missile tube (8)
Complement: Death Gilder (20)
                      Buster Bomber (10)
                      Al'kesh Gunship (5)
Crew: Officer (50)
           Crewman (700)
           Pilot (120)
           Trooper (500)
Cargo capacity: 21,500 metric tons
Consumables: 2 year
Communication systems: Earth-to-Ship System
Role(s): Battlecruiser
Year introduced: 2012 SGY or 2 BDG
Affiliation: Stargate
                   Lucas's Alliance (?)
                   Neutral Alliance
The Daniel class Battlecruiser is the one of most powerful heavily armored missile cruiser of the Neutral Alliance fleet, design known as BC-720, 720 or Seven-Two-O, one is appeared owner by Daniel Jackson, encounter has known in nickname as Space Tank to due heavily armored that can tow single Alliance class Dreadnought to apart.

Technical data
Physical arrangement
Those of Daniel class have information that physical model are similar as Aurora class Battleship, but rather make by Tau'ri which size are around 1,500 meter.

Tactical systems
Daniel class have Zerstorung-II Plasma Beam Cannon 2 at front and 2 at back of ship and 4 Autocannon and 8 Missile Tube, most likely have design as Missile Cruiser.  (Lady White Heart)

- Many interior in this ship is similar as Aurora class battleship, except as bridge is similar as those of BC-304 class are, but larger than it.
- In SD: HDN, Stargate Alliance have using Aurora class battleship as their main warship, though they are not much like Daniel are.