
A Blaster is High-Laser Weapon to used every history of galaxy to used every government like Actactan Empire, Star Republic, Galactic Federation, Duck Empire, Pre-Universal Federation of Alliance, Disco Federation and Other Race with used his blaster for his Army, Blaster can Fire of Low Projectile and High deadly. a Blaster are used every weapon, Pistol, Rifle,Sniper, Shotgun and Cannon. (not a Sub-machine gun that year they not know a SMG)


A Blaster is One popular energy weapon of galaxy long before time of kinetic energy weapon to be come as universal main weapon, and Oldest weapon first used by Actactan Trooper with carry his Blaster, E-2 Blaster Rifle, a Semi-Automatic Rifle they known and used his blaster for Star Republic Army.

Fully-Automatic Rifle in Blaster weapons is E-44 Blaster Rifle is used in time of Universal Federation of Alliance during 256 - 1966 ADG. Unlike a Semi-Automatic Rifle is low projectile and is only blaster with medium projectile like disruptor charge.

Plaster is Disco Federation weapon based from Blaster to used in RT-3D and XCS-5.

In other race like Duck Empire are used is Blaster as Main weapon on Starship of Duck Navy to defense during 2,078 BDG.

Type of Blaster
- Blaster Pistol
  - Hold-out Blaster
  - Blast Blaster
  - Sporting Blaster
- Blaster Rifle
  - Beam Blaster
  - Blaster Carbine
  - Hyper Blaster Rifle
  - Repeating Blaster
- Blaster Cannon
  - Autoblasters
- Plaster