
"No no, is just beginning of Superplasma, I D-God know first of Superplasma to destroy entire planet and you"
- D-God Unknown year

A Superplasma was a super-deadly planet-destroying superweapon that used several separate of Plasma Heavy Ball called "Titon Shock Ball" combined together as a Big Ball. This devastating device was designed to destroy planets with one shot at Heavy Plasma Ball. There were also smaller-scale superplasma of lesser power designed for use against capital ships called Xicton cannon will fire everything of U.D.F. Starship.

The Superplasma was composed of several exotic matter energy is use by Disco Federation. Unlike Superlaser, it pulled energy from a massive hypermatter core, converting the energy present in hyperspace into highly unstable particles that were tremendously destructive in normal space. The energy delivered into a target was so great that it could cause the target's atoms to split into matter-antimatter pairs and annihilate themselves, generating a powerful surge capable of rupturing the barrier between normal space and hyperspace

As any powered weapon, it drained the amount of energy required to use, resulting in different energy outputs. The Death Star VI's Superplasma for example, could destroy any capital ship with less than 10 percent power, crack a planet open to the core with two 30 percent shots and blow it to pieces with a full-charged fire. In such cases, the amount of energy involved was so great it would generate minuscule space-time singularities, sending part of the target's mass into hyperspace and generating a massive shockwave from high-energy tachyons from hyperspace. Due to its focusing lenses and beam intensity, the energy wasted was extremely low, leading to a very long shooting range, up to 45,000 kilometers (over three light-seconds away)


"Power of Superplasma and Force Moonwalk, This's end of  Universal Federation and come to disco"
                                                                       - Disco Barco
The power of the Disco's Death Star VI's Superplasma was estimated to have been more than 5.8×10.32 watts, with an optimum range of 45,000 kilometers and a working range of 1,500,000 kilometers. Powerful enough to destroy a terrestrial planet, it was the most powerful energy weapon ever built at the time unlike Superlaser. with fire of Heavy Plasma Speed Ball.


Super plasma is only weapons be used to shoot capital ship or highly